Roberta is TIRED!







This just in: making Christmas presents is exhausting! I’m so tired, friends! What was I thinking? I’ve still got to make gifts for my neighbors, my teacher, Ms. Cowoline and my two boy cousins. What do you make for boy cousins!? I’ve only got 11 days left – 10, really, since I don’t want to be MAKING the gifts on Christmas day! And I still have to wrap everything…which I’ll probably do on Christmas Eve…so that’s, like, 9 days!

I can’t believe I did this! Why didn’t I just ask for a loan and buy the gifts like everyone else does!!?

27 Responses to Roberta is TIRED!

  1. ppopl and 7s7k77e7s :) says:

    Don’t worry Roberta! I know you can finish the presents in time! That is why you made presents because you know you can finish! I am making presents to, and I started later than you Roberta, and my party will be earlier than yours, so I think you can finish! Just do your best! It’s the thought that counts!

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    You can do it!!!!

  3. Bridget97 says:

    Dont doubt yourself! You’ll get it done, even if you barely make it. How bout asking for help maybe? just wrap that person(s) gift before they come to help!:)

  4. ninwetta says:

    please you have to i have to work too

  5. SapphireSea says:

    Don’t give up now, Roberta! You’ll get everything done, you’ll see. And I’m sure your mom would be glad to help you if you ask her. Really, it’s alright to ask for help. And as for wrapping, you can always just use bags and stuff tissuepaper around the gifts. This way doesn’t take but a minute or two, leaving a little more time to make the other gifts. I hope this helps, and good luck!

  6. posehorse says:

    You can do it Roberta!!!!!!Most of my family lives in Canada,so I almost never see them.Which,being translated, means no presents!

  7. Horse Girl says:

    It doesn’t take THAT long to make a few presents :roll: . I could make a LOT of stuff in just a week. BTW does all of your family live in the same place or you’re going to see them for Christmas? If not, then why make them a present? I have SO many cousins and I never make them presents because I rarely see them(and they are almost all boys). :roll:

  8. MDIChickadee says:

    Roberta – you are doing super!! And people will so love that you thought so much of them that you made their gift!! Try to keep it simple (making a cocoa mix does not take long but is highly appreciated!! Perhaps you could try that for one or two of these recipients.) Good luck!!

  9. bunnies 4 ever says:

    make wallets thats what i did last year my brather loved it

  10. sarahandlacey says:

    You will get it done! I know you can, but you can ask your friends for help. I am not going to get my cousins anything. Call me mean, but my mom and dad gives them money! So I don’t get them a thing! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I have about 13 cousins. :lol: ;-) :mrgreen: :-) :roll:

      • PikachuHazelNut says:

        It’s okay Roberta, set your mind on it and you can do it. Think of how happy the people will be when receive your gifts, if may not be the most pleasant thing besides getting it done, but it can help keep you going as you are great at this and you can do it. I have cousins, although I haven’t seen like all of them in a really long time, and there are only a few cousins that I know well….

        • 8-Paw says:

          Roberta, you’re SO sweet! I would love to have a friend like you. Come on, you can do it. Just work hard and have good sleep each and every day! ;)

        • WebkinzWizard :) says:

          Don’t worry Roberta, you can do it! Just make sure you don’t over do yourself to much and also get as much sleep as you can. I love how you want to make gifts for your friends and family. :) Try making small gifts that don’t take a long time. For your boy cousins maybe you could make them a game. Just make up a fun little game and make it out of card board (if it’s a board game). :)
          Hope you have a great Christmas every one! I can’t believe it’s 10 days away! Present time!!! :D

      • starburst says:

        i m making stuff 2 and im going crazy. i feel 4 u roberta. :roll: and i don’t get my cousins anything either i have about as many as u sarahandlacey. :roll: but i have to knit and sew a TON!!!! o, and write a book. :roll:

      • Crazy gal says:

        Yeah, me too. cousins. we have A LOT! but my mom picks out presents 4 them, but sometimes we help.

        Crazy gal

    • LemonCandy etc. says:

      I have LOTS of cousins and I don’t actually make presents for all of them……… Don’t give up Roberta! You will get everything done in time, i’m sure….But don’t listen to me, I’m just a commenter that doesn’t know what you’re going through. I don’t usually get tired making Christmas gifts. But totally stick to making the gifts yourself, home made gifts are the best!

    • foopetsrock says:

      Maybe u could ask your Mom to help u Roberta…

      foopetsrock ;-)

    • dawndrop16 says:

      You’ll be alright, Roberta! You could try to make something that takes less time. ~*Dawn*~

    • Tumble says:

      Roberta… maybe you should just stick to making presents for your family (that lives in your house) and your friends. You’ll be less tired that way.

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