Rockabilly Rooster

32 Responses to Rockabilly Rooster

  1. wofg says:

    I agree with 828H.I love the plushes the same as the online pet.

  2. wofg says:

    The rooster roadster is sooooo cute! Friend me! I’m wofg(all lower case letters).

  3. kitty-cat-lover says:

    This pet reminds me of my real pet chicken. Its soooo cute! love it lol :D —> kitty-cat-lover

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    A ROADSTER!!!! SWEET!!!!

  5. summer says:

    i love animals

  6. brett says:

    i love webkinz i take well goodcare of them

  7. Hannah,The Home Schooled Horse Lover says:

    Aw,ADORABLE!!!Cutey pie.LOVE IT!

  8. JEWELDOG says:

    Sooooooooo cute! Way better then the regular rooster! I like the real pet better then the online one. I just might get one!

  9. BLACKkitten714 says:

    AWWWW!!!!!!! This is the cuuuutest pet ever! I want him! Oh I and like the googles and new zings:)

  10. ATeenageWolf says:

    Love the virtual not a fan of anything else….

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