Say Goodbye to Winter Sale at Ganz eStore!

With the Spring season right around the corner, we thought we would celebrate the end of Winter by having a Goodbye to Winter event! While these items are not gone forever, they will not be available again until the next Winter season so grab your mittens and celebrate up to 30%, 40% or even 50% discounts with us!

Featured items March 23rd to March 31st, 2011
March 23: Ice Fawn*, Glitter Skating Outfit, Snowy Cedar, Snowy Bush, Bunny Ski Hill
March 24: Hot Chocolate Machine, Snow Cushioned Bench
March 25: Ski Lift Chair, Snowy City Wallpaper
March 26, 27: Build-A-Snow-Fort, Icicle Bowling Lane, Ice Dragon Sweater, Winter Hat
March 28: Snowman Outfit, First Snow Apple Tree
March 29: Snowmobile, Puffer Vest
March 30: Cool Moves Ice Sculpture, Snow Covered Shed
March 31: Slushaway Snowplow, Puffy Winter Jacket

Product pricing and availability for the Goodbye to Winter event runs from 12:01am Wednesday March 23, 2011 to 11:59pm Thursday March 31, 2011 (EST). Different items and discounts will be offered.

*Product discounts will not apply to Online-Only Pets.

190 Responses to Say Goodbye to Winter Sale at Ganz eStore!

  1. snowey0 says:

    SaY GoOd ByE tO WiNtEr
    BuT yEt ThErE iS sTiL SnOw On ThE GrOwNd WhErE i LiVe

  2. clompie says:

    I hope I get something. Does anyone have a Fire Zodiac Bottoms? Add clompie to friends list if yes! I’ll send you a thank you in KinzPost.

  3. FireWolves's Clothing Tester says:

    Hello! Hello! I am FireWolves friend, that tests clothing recipes! I am starting a club, The Clothing Testers Club! Or T.C.T.C
    Wanna Join? Just go to,'s-clothing-prize-zodiac-fire-costume-bottom/comment-page-4/#comments

    Please join!

    ————–From FireWolves’s Clothing Tester————

  4. RedPanda says:

    :cry: :mrgreen: :D :O :) :( :P :devil: :& (Smiley Testing. I wonder how many work!!!!! :D)

  5. grifonmascara says:

    hwo has rainbow hat? I can give you one super bed+one exclusive my user name is: grifonmascara

  6. Candycat609 says:

    How about 100% off for once? :P

  7. pokegirl says:

    I would join but my poem dosent sound that good.

  8. Childra says:

    I just got the Ice Fawn!

  9. HarryPotterNarwhals says:

    I will have the winners of my contest on the zodic new year page (the one next to this page)

  10. halie says:

    i have lots of exlusives,rare,and stuff you cont get any where else so be on the look out for a bunny webkinz named hope and webkinz rocks and i love graceclooone..104

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