Season 19 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

Classic Christmas is our 19th Season! Here are some more details, tips, tricks, and links to more information about the daily and week 1 tasks.



  • Play a game of Zingoz Bingoz at the Arcade
  • Sing a baby a lullaby in its crib
  • Buy a breakfast food at the W Shop
  • Complete a class at the Kinzville Academy
  • Collect a Material Box from the Material Machine


Play a game of Zingoz Bingoz at the Arcade

Look for Zingoz Bingoz by visiting the Arcade (from the button in the lower right, by clicking on the icon in the Kinzville map, or clicking on the building from Kinzville), clicking on an arcade unit, and selecting it from the list. You don’t have to complete all three boards for this to count — you only need to do one.

Sing a baby a lullaby in its crib

Click on a baby’s crib to access the baby interface and then click on the mobile to sing the baby a lullaby. If you don’t have a baby, visit a friend with a baby and borrow theirs!

Buy a breakfast food at the W Shop

Look for foods with “Breakfast” in the description in the W Shop’s food section. Think omelets and cereal!


Complete a class at the Kinzville Academy

Take any class at the Kinzville Academy to satisfy this. You don’t have to pass and you don’t have to complete all three classes and the pop quiz — just one class to complete the task.


Collect a Material Box from the Material Machine

Look for the vending machine outside the Curio Shop to collect your daily Material Box!

Week 1


  • Get a score of 4000+ on Polar Plunge or earn 200 KinzCash
  • Get a score of 3000+ in Kinzville Pinball
  • Buy something from the Elegant Christmas theme
  • Put a Polar Plunge Toque hat on your pet (find it at the W Shop)
  • Win a poster by completing Sparky’s Challenge
  • Sell 10 crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market
  • Make a Hidden Gem Cake on the stove
  • Sell 3 Uncommon Gems or 1 Rare Gem
  • Complete a Pet Request with a Kid pet
  • Participate in the Great Cake Cook-Off


Get a score of 4000+ on Polar Plunge or earn 200 KinzCash

Look for Polar Plunge by visiting the Arcade (from the button in the lower right, by clicking on the icon in the Kinzville map, or clicking on the building from Kinzville), clicking on an arcade unit, and selecting it from the list. You can get this score by playing on the Easy course — one trick is to use the back arrow to slow your descent when you go downhill. This gives you more time to jump over obstacles that might be at the bottom. Also, always jump over the tree that’s beside the ramp — it’s tall enough to crash into.
Play Polar Plunge on Webkinz Next


Get a score of 3000+ in Kinzville Pinball

Look for Kinzville Pinball by visiting the Arcade (from the button in the lower right, by clicking on the icon in the Kinzville map, or clicking on the building from Kinzville), clicking on an arcade unit, and selecting it from the list. The easiest way to get this score is by getting one of the multipliers — when they ask you to hit certain areas, completing that challenge can give you 2x or 3x the normal score for a certain amount of time. This adds up quickly! You’ll have the whole 5 weeks to complete this task, though, so keep at it.


Buy something from the Elegant Christmas theme

This theme is in the W Shop for KinzCash. It’s been out for a week, but who can resist having another pile of presents? Any item from this theme counts towards the task.


Put a Polar Plunge Toque hat on your pet (find it at the W Shop)

You can find the Polar Plunge Toque under Clothing -> Hats in the W Shop. If you already own one, put it on your pet. If you have a pet already wearing one, take it off and then put it back on.


Win a poster by completing Sparky’s Challenge

Head to the Arcade and click on Sparky to see what his challenge is. If you can beat his score, you’ll win a random poster. We recently added another 9 posters, so there’s a total of 15 to collect!


Sell 10 crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market

Look for the Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays and click on Farmer Will to see what crops he’ll be buying that day. He has three different crops each time and you have five weeks to complete this task.
Head to the Farmer’s Market


Make a Hidden Gem Cake on the stove

This stove recipe was inspired by gbjockey2′s winning design. Click on any stove (including a friend’s!) and scroll towards the bottom to see this recipe. While materials will automatically drag multiples (so all 10 cubes of sugar, all 6 cups of flour, etc), you’ll need to drag each of the three milks in individually. This recipe also requires a Candy Carnelian gem from the Gem Mine, making this the first recipe outside of the Gem Crafting Table that requires gems!
Player Designed Cake Is Ready to Bake


Sell 3 Uncommon Gems or 1 Rare Gem

Click on the Gem Mine and search for sparkling gems. Move your mouse over them until they turn into pick axes and then click on them to break the rock. You can keep any slag you might collect, but you can only keep one gem per game. You can finish this task quickly if you sell 1 rare item, but you can work towards it by selling three uncommon gems. Don’t remember what anything is? Check out the Webkinz Next Gem Hunt Showcase


Complete a Pet Request with a Kid pet

Switch your active pet to a kid. If you don’t have a kid, you’ll need to grow up a baby first. Any request will work for this task — it doesn’t have to be a growth request.


Participate in the Great Cake Cook-Off

The Great Cake Cook-Off is regularly scheduled — as long as you participate in one game, this will satisfy your task. You don’t have get in the top third, so don’t worry if you’re not as quick collecting ingredients.
The Greak Cake Cook-Off Is Here

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3 Responses to Season 19 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

  1. BoulderPrarieHome says:

    I really appreciate the change to challenge tasks like Polar Plunge. Ex: Earn a high score or build up to 200 KC. This gives me a chance to complete the challenge. There is a survey about the last Season. The only prize I really liked was the maze wheel. I wish you would have a Best in Season (Season) where you brought back favorite old prizes like the Ferris Wheel, Halloween Car, Rainbow Car, etc. It could be a celebration of one year of Next Seasons.

  2. Sonari says:

    Not too difficult this week, unless you’re plunge-impaired, like me – thankfully, I can add up over the whole season! Thank you for putting that very difficult snow run in week one so those of use who aren’t very good at it have plenty of time!

  3. grandmaback says:

    I really appreciate the helps this column provides. I’ve played long enough I know most of them but there are a few surprises. The prizes on the free level are really good. Thanks for a fun and doable activity!!!

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