Season 23 Guide – Week 4

Master Chef is our 23rd Season! Here are some more details, tips, tricks, and links to more information about week 4 tasks. Click here for the daily and week 1 tasks. Click here for the week 2 tasks. Click here for the week 3 tasks.

Week 4


  • Get a Score of 10,000+ in Wacky Zingoz
  • Put your pet to bed on 4 different days
  • Complete the Gem Hunt 3 times
  • Get 100+ points on Picnic 5 times
  • Feed your pet 3 Gazpacho Soups
  • Spin the Wheel of WOW in the Arcade 5 times
  • Collect 3 flowers from around Kinzville
  • Spend 100 ribbons at the Skill or Spirit Shop
  • Sell 10 crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market
  • Collect Wacky Zingoz in the Kinzville Park 20 times.


Get a Score of 10,000+ in Wacky Zingoz

Head to the Arcade by tapping on the icon in your dock, tapping the building from the Kinzville map, or walking into the building from Kinzville directly. Tap one of the arcade machines and pick Wacky Zingoz from the list. This is a tough score, but it’s good practice for the upcoming Zingoz Fest!

Collect Wacky Zingoz in the Kinzville Park 20 times.

Look for Wacky all over Kinzville — you may need to circle a few times to find them all, and switching to the over-the-shoulder view may be helpful if a Wacky spawns between the buildings. Worst case, leave Kinzville and come back to reset the spawns.

Put your pet to bed on 4 different days

Easy peasy — any bed in your house is fine, just make sure they’re on different days. They can be consecutive or not, so don’t worry if you miss a day.

Complete the Gem Hunt 3 times

Tap on Gem Mine from the Kinzville map or head through the door in the Curio Shop to mine for gems. Do it three times to satisfy this task. NOTE: If you’re getting a message that you can’t mine because you’ve already done it when you haven’t… you may have an unresolved gem! This can happen if you get disconnected while gem hunting before you’ve had a chance to talk to Amanda Panda. Head into the Curio Shop and tap on Amanda Panda — she’ll ask you to keep or sell your gem, and then you can mine normally.


Get 100+ points on Picnic 5 times

Head to the Arcade by tapping on the icon in your dock, tapping the building from the Kinzville map, or walking into the building from Kinzville directly. Tap one of the arcade machines and pick Picnic from the list. This one is pretty easy to get, so it shouldn’t take too long to do!

Feed your pet 3 Gazpacho Soups

Remember those soups you made last week? Feed them to your pet! If you already fed them or sold them, you should have some time to make some more before the end of the Season.


Spin the Wheel of WOW in the Arcade 5 times

Head to the Arcade by tapping on the icon in your dock, tapping the building from the Kinzville map, or walking into the building from Kinzville directly. Tap one of the arcade machines and pick the Wheel of WOW from the list. An easy one, since most people do this every day anyway!


Collect 3 flowers from around Kinzville

While you’re searching for Wacky around Kinzville, your flowers will probably pop up as well! Don’t run too far away as they tend to spawn really close to one another and pretty soon after you collect one.


Spend 100 ribbons at the Skill or Spirit Shop

Take all those ribbons you’ve been collecting and spend them at either shop in the Kinzville Academy. Maybe invest in some speed to get a boost for Picnic!


Sell 10 crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market

Look for the Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays and tap on Farmer Will. Sell 10 of any combination of crops to satisfy this task.

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4 Responses to Season 23 Guide – Week 4

  1. dollspace says:

    I finished all of the requirements and won the stove but it has a dispenser symbol on it. When I click on it, it opens the stove but it doesn’t dispense anything.

  2. plentyofpenguins22 says:

    The “Spend 100 ribbons at the Skill or Spirit Shop” task isn’t working properly. I used 75 ribbons yesterday and they showed immediately after. I logged back on later and the circle was completely empty when it should have been 3/4 of the way full. I had the same problem last season as well. When will this be fixed?

  3. bubbac4 says:

    I still think u gear Next to adults. My great grandkids keep yelling for help, and i even can’t get to the score required.

  4. paduga says:

    Will you be selling more of the special counter top we are winning in this challenge? One counter section is not enough for a gourmet kitchen!

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