Season 26 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

Tropical Oasis is our 26th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the daily and week 1 tasks.




  • Buy a lunch food from the W Shop
  • Baby talk to a baby
  • Spin the Wheel of WOW in the Arcade
  • Give your pet a bath
  • Collect a Candy from the Arcade


Buy a lunch food from the W Shop

Open the W Shop and go to the Food category. Under Classic foods, look for items that have “lunch” in their description. Why not a tasty salad?


Baby talk to a baby

If you don’t have your own baby, visit a friend and borrow theirs! Tap the Baby Talk button (two hearts over a speech bubble) to goo goo ga ga to the baby.


Spin the Wheel of WOW in the Arcade

Head to the Arcade and tap on an Arcade machine. Spin the Wheel of WOW to satisfy the task. The bonus Wheel of WOW in the park does not count for this task.


Give your pet a bath

Tap on any bathtub to give your pet a bath!

Collect a Candy from the Arcade

While you’re in the Arcade spinning the Wheel of WOW, grab a Candy from the machine before you go!


Week 1


  • Sell a Rare gem to Amanda Panda
  • Craft any recipe on the Drafting Table
  • Get some sun! Take your baby for a walk around Kinzville on three different days
  • Dress your pet in something from the 2024 Summer Clothing collection
  • Get a Good Score in either Wacky Zingoz or Atomicolicious
  • Time for a swim! Use a swimming pool
  • Open 5 Material Pick Packs
  • Collect 3 flowers from around Kinzville
  • Complete 3 days of Classes that include the Art Class
  • Sell 10 crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market


Sell a Rare gem to Amanda Panda

If you happen to uncover a rare gem in the mines, sell it to Amanda Panda to complete this task! The rare gems are the Sea Sapphire, Enchanted Emerald, Royal Ruby, Hopeful Diamond, and Shining Sunstone.


Craft any recipe on the Drafting Table

Freshen up your wallpaper or flooring with one of these drafting table recipes. Any will do — and since you need to open up 5 material pick packs this week, check which recipe you want to make and choose those from your pick packs.

Get some sun! Take your baby for a walk around Kinzville on three different days

You’ll need a baby and a stroller for this task. Strollers can be found in the W Shop under Special -> Interactive. Tap on the stroller once it’s on your property and choose your baby. Then tap on the map at the bottom right and pick somewhere in Kinzville to visit. Why not visit the Baby Playground?


Dress your pet in something from the 2024 Summer Clothing collection

We released a bunch of cool new clothes not that long ago — why not dress your pet in something? You can find all of the newest clothing under Special -> New. Otherwise, the list of items can be found here:


Get a Good Score in either Wacky Zingoz or Atomicolicious

What’s a good score? While that’s different for every game, in Wacky Zingoz it’s getting at least 7500 points, and in Atomicolicious it’s 26 points. Play whichever game you’re better at!


Time for a swim! Use a swimming pool

Swimming pools can be found in the W Shop under Decorations -> Yard Decor. Most items you can swim in should count towards this, though.


Open 5 Material Pick Packs

This is the one you should keep the crafting task in mind for — open 5 of the blue Material Pick Packs that are collected from the vending machine outside of the Curio Shop. If you have a stack of these, you can complete this in one day. If you don’t have a bunch, you can collect one each day.


Complete 3 days of Classes that include the Art Class

Head to the Kinzville Academy and take your classes for the day. You’ll get a random assortment, but each time you complete one with Art (doesn’t matter if it’s easy, medium, or hard), you’ll make progress with this task. You don’t have to do well — you just have to complete it!


Collect 3 flowers from around Kinzville

Look for flowers popping up in Kinzville. I like to park on a bench and wait. They usually show up within 5 minutes. After the first one appears, the next shows up pretty quickly after. Three will spawn in a day, so you should be able to complete this in one go.


Sell 10 crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market

The Farmer’s Market is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, so you’ll need to wait until Sunday to complete this one. Sell any 10 crops to Farmer Will — doesn’t have to be the same type of crop and it doesn’t have to be on the same day.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



9 Responses to Season 26 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

  1. ellen1970 says:

    Why can’t we buy the Summer Oasis Sofa? No Price!

  2. MinnieClover says:

    I haven’t been able to get on Webkinz Next via the app for several months. Is anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?

    • BH1464 says:

      I’ve had difficulties getting the log-in screen to load, therefore not being able to sign in for almost 2 years. No one has been able to figure out why. Every once in a while the log-in screen loads and I can get in and play. Sometimes I automatically get kicked out after just a few minutes and can’t get the screen to load again for a long time, (weeks). Other times, I log in and can play for hours with no issues. Whenever I don’t get kicked off/out of the site, and I can actually log off/out I don’t close the log-in page but simply minimize the size so I will be much more likely to log back in when I want to for the next day or whatever. You are the only other person I’ve heard of that is having a similar issue as what’s been happening to me. I have done absolutely everything possible to find a fix, other than replacing my computer. The Webkinz staff tried to help, my internet provider has tried to figure it out both remotely and by coming to my home to try different fixes and I’ve had several IT professionals look into the matter. I’ve replaced my power strip and even had an electrician replace the wall outlet in my old farmhouse, just in case that was the problem. So far, no one can figure out why this is happening and it only happens with the Webkinz Next App. Every other App and/or website works perfectly fine. If you have any better luck than I’ve had figuring out the problem, please let me know. I am so very sorry you are also having log in problems with Webkinz Next. I know I’ve spent way too much money in the game to only be able to play once in a while. I have only been able to complete 2 of the Seasons so far by actually doing the assigned tasks. The other Seasons I’ve either lost out on or spent a ton of ‘Diamonds’ to ‘buy’ the Season’s prizes. I wish you the best of luck.

      • MinnieClover says:

        Oh wow! I’m so sorry that’s happening to you! I feel like it has to be the app. It’s also happening to my sister, but her’s has been going on a lot longer than mine. Maybe it’s just a problem that nobody is talking about? best of luck to you too.

  3. grandmaback says:

    With such a complicated game I really appreciate the weekly guides. I’ve played since the second year but there are still tricks to learn. I still think you should get more tries on easy spelling and more time on connect the words and spaces.

  4. puppyluv9063 says:

    I dislike the activities that make me buy stuff I don’t want to buy, lol I am saving up for the curio shop themes, not lunch items! Anyways, thank you for the break down. It is helpful!

  5. roachiesmom1 says:

    Got most of week one done last night, even collecting all three weeds; just waiting on the market Sunday, and for the dang art class to decide to show up. Three times. gah. Can’t use a borrowed baby for the baby part; baby things like that are always out for me. My pets aren’t ready to start a family yet.

  6. kalcan8 says:

    Sally, as always we appreciate your helpful, thorough guide! Game on!

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