Season 31 Guide – Week 3

Sugar Rush is our 31st Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the week 3 tasks. Click here for the daily and week 1 tasks. Click here for the week 2 tasks.

Week 3


  • Complete the Gem Hunt 3 times
  • Earn 100 KinzCash playing Lily Padz
  • Get 100+ points on Picnic 5 times
  • Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy
  • Earn 50 Prize Tickets at the Arcade
  • Spend 100 KinzCash at Will’s Pantry at the Farmer’s Market
  • Complete a Pet Request with a Kid pet
  • Make something on the Gem Crafting Table
  • Open 3 Material Pick Packs
  • Use a pet effect on 3 different days

Complete the Gem Hunt 3 times

Head to the Curio Shop and go through the doors or tap directly on the Gem Mines from Kinzville. Look for glowing rocks and tap on them to break them open. Keep any of the slag you find and up to 1 gem per mining session.

Earn 100 KinzCash playing Lily Padz

Head to the Arcade and tap on an Arcade unit to see the list of games. Select Lily Padz from the list and play as many games as you need to in order to earn 100 KinzCash. While this can be tricky at first, once you get the hang of out it you’ll reach the trophy score of 300 in no time!

Get 100+ points on Picnic 5 times

Head to the Arcade and tap on an Arcade unit to see the list of games. Select Picnic from the list. You’ll need to score 100 at least 5 times to complete this task. If you have access to a keyboard, using the arrow keys can make this game a lot easier.


Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy

Head to the Kinzville Academy and take a full day of classes to finish with a pop quiz at the end. Get an A to make progress on this task. There’s usually a bit of wiggle room — you can miss up to two questions altogether or use a few hints and still get the A.


Earn 50 Prize Tickets at the Arcade

While you’re in the Arcade playing Lily Padz and Picnic, you’ll also be earning tickets! Make sure you have fewer than 9,999 tickets — you won’t earn anymore unless you have less than that. You can spend your tickets at the Arcade shop to make room — perhaps on Play Tokens so you can keep playing your favorite games!

Spend 100 KinzCash at Will’s Pantry at the Farmer’s Market

Look for the Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Tap on Will’s Pantry at the top left and buy some delicious treats. This task is cumulative, so you can spread it over as many visits as you need to over the next three weeks.


Complete a Pet Request with a Kid pet

Make a kid pet the active pet and wait for their pet request. Fill the request to complete the task.


Make something on the Gem Crafting Table

Head to the Curio Shop and tap on the Gem Crafting Table. Choose something from the list of recipes to craft. If you’ve got extra gems or a lot of extra slag, this is a good way to use them up!

Open 3 Material Pick Packs

Tap on the vending machine outside of the Curio Shop in Kinzville to collect a Material Pick Pack.

Use a pet effect on 3 different days

You’ll get pet effects for logging in regularly, but the face painting at the Farmer’s Market will also count towards this task. Apply an effect to any pet on three different days to complete this task.

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2 Responses to Season 31 Guide – Week 3

  1. jkleemom says:

    Scroll down to the bottom there is a vase, flowers and a wall sconce that use no gems just slag or slag and glass.

  2. hlfbkdfae says:

    I hope I have enough gems/slag to make something at the craft table, kind of worried about that one as I have never messed with it T-T

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