Shimmer Bunny

805 Responses to Shimmer Bunny

  1. AMM098 says:

    Mine’s name is Eva, she’s adorable!! :) ♥ Her!!

  2. kylie says:

    i want it so so so so so bad!!!!!!!

  3. kylie says:

    SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!I want it!!!!!!

  4. ellenlovesme says:

    i want it so bad!!! ()_()
    *( * _*)*
    * (_) (_)*
    Face it! Bunnies rule!

  5. mishel says:

    i really like bunnies and i really like to have that bunny!!!

  6. coolpie45 says:

    ps my username is fishobx (it means that u fish on the Outer Banks nc)

  7. coolpie45 says:

    I got 1 4 easter!!!!!! named it jellybean! :p it is SOO adorable!love it lol

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