Shimmer Bunny

805 Responses to Shimmer Bunny

  1. mymypink08 says:

    OMGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to have it!!!!!!!!!!

  2. WARRIORCAT says:

    The Shimmer Bunny is so cute! I might ask 4 one for Easter. Please add me, i’m cutie10635.

  3. Faith says:

    IT IS SO CUTE! and for the peeps that dont have a sherbet bunny, (which i do! XD ;) :P :)) it is a REALLY good substitute. sorry i have no idea how to spell that word so yah deal with it.

  4. I love Nick Jonas says:

    This Bunny is SOOOOO cute!! I really want it 4 easter!! :) >3

  5. Banana says:

    i want that bunny soooooooooooooo badly!!!!! where do ya get itt?

  6. Madison says:

    I want one!!!! <3 :)

  7. jennifer says:

    will this bunny be in stores soon and is it going to be in the ganz store soon can you reserve tat animal online

  8. amel says:

    I LUV THAT BUNNY WHO EVER HAS IT TAKE MY USER IT IS GEFJ I WILL LUV 2 BE UR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. lola says:

    how do you get won for free?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. jordengirl add me says:

    i want that bunny 4 easter!!!!!!! so cute! want u lil bunny!! if u ever see a love spaniel thats name is lolly pop thats me!

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