Shimmer Bunny

805 Responses to Shimmer Bunny

  1. Emily says:

    That bunny is kind of cute. Maybe I will get her. I probably won’t though.
    user name is: abcadoodle

  2. ASHLYN says:

    Those bunnies r ugly!WHY DO YALL LIKE EM SO MUCH????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. Liz says:

    it is just a shimmer bunny and just because somepne else has one you dont need to be their friends on webkinz

  4. Morgan says:

    omg that bunny is so cute i really want one :D :P :) :O :C

  5. Persephone says:

    I got 2 shimmer bunnies 4 my birthday on feb.10/11. I also got 1 zumbuddy.
    I named 1 of my shimmer bunnies Brenna-Sparkle because my friend Brenna got it 4 me and it has some sparkles on its
    feet,ears and hands.
    I named the other 1 Rainbow-Dash because it had more than 1 colour on it and I could not stop thinking about a dog I found at Tobin Lake that we called Dash.
    I love my shimmer bunnies so much!

  6. cookiehead289 says:

    Hey guys,
    How is it going? Well i don’t actually know what i’m typing i’m just bored so good bye!!!

  7. Anita525 says:

    How do i get a bunny? do i need to get the bunny teddy bear or do i just get it free online?

  8. tj says:

    im getting the shimmer bunny on ester cantt wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    i want this for easter so easter bunny i will be more then happy to get it

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