Shimmer Bunny

805 Responses to Shimmer Bunny

  1. whatsittoya says:

    i hope i gets a shimmer bunny please add mr my user name is celerbell

  2. jaden says:

    i really hope i get a shimer bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. sydney says:

    no i think the ally cat small webkinz chould be pet of the mounth thank you by cutbuttercup

  4. sydney says:

    hi i have a webkinz ef any one wants to be my friend my username is cutbuttercup i have 19 webkinz i realy love webkinz and i am 9 years old

  5. Whilata says:

    i just got the shimmer bunny today and i am soo happy! i personnally think that the shimmer bunny should be pet of the month this month because a bunny and shimmering colers are made for easter so yeah

  6. Emily says:


  7. krysten says:

    I HOPE I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. kiikii00 says:


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