Shop for Your Growing Garden at the WShop!

Did you know? If you want to purchase crops for your garden, you don’t have to wait for the Farmer’s Market to open!

You can purchase Growing Gardens from the W Shop under Food. Each of these crops takes 4 days to harvest.

Once you’ve harvested your fruits and vegetables, you can sell them back to the W Shop or to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market. You can also feed them to your pet or use them in recipes.

You can harvest your growing plant 10 times. After your 10th time, your plant will disappear and you’ll receive dirt in your dock.

Dirt can be used to craft clay which can be used in crafting recipes.

Growing crops in Webkinz Next is a great way to make some Kinzcash and keep your pets healthy. Head to the WShop to start growing your garden today.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



25 Responses to Shop for Your Growing Garden at the WShop!

  1. Zooooooz says:

    Please make it “faster” to make clay…

  2. davids1lilpixie says:

    I like growing the garden BUT… I’m exasperated and tired of having my Webkinz Dollars pocket picked every time I have to buy new plants, frankly and having to replace them after the 11th time is ludicrous and redonkulous. I realize that, according to the Ganz Crew, Classic Webkinz Customers have “too much money” (So noted and said by one of the Crew in a Podcast from last year I believe and I’ll note, patently and sweepingly ignoring the fact that some of have been playing for 14 going on 15 years) and hence, things were “changed”. I wouldn’t mind so much if the seeds were less expensive and this business of only being able to 3 at a time from the farmer for not always cheaper prices is equally ridiculous and limiting what selection of seeds there in the game store is just as bad. Lol and with tongue firmly in cheek I’ll note that if businesses charged similar prices for seeds in the real world, a good portion of our planet would be starving and only the rich would be able to afford gardens!

    • greyhound says:

      I agree, it would be nice if we could buy however many seeds we wanted at the Farmer’s Market (or at least more than just 3). Even if the selection were still limited at least we would have a better chance of getting more of what we need each time. Even if it were just offered as an extra seed sale once per week, it would surely be helpful. Either that or a larger selection of seeds available in the WShop. But yes, I really wish they didn’t expire after harvesting them – or at least not as quickly as they do. I’m sure others feel the same way.

  3. biscotti says:

    Sally, thanks for your reply. I don’t want to risk it so I will wait until the next update and hopefully my green grass will be back!

  4. kalcan8 says:

    Sorry that this is unrelated, but as it is the most recent Next article, I will post this here. Just wanted to let you know that the Inspired Incantations Dresser from the Wizard theme currently will not open. I tried removing it from my rooms on my different accounts and replacing it in the rooms and it didn’t help. All of my Webkinz pants are trapped inside. Whenever my pet makes a request to wear a specific pair of pants, I either don’t fulfill the request, or I have to buy another pair of those pants. I am not complaining, but I just wanted to make sure that you knew so that you can fix it if it is glitching. Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

  5. madisonmabel says:

    Not in classic, it only offers Pet Favorites and Ingredients.

  6. SamDean says:

    I accidentally harvested one of my Polarberry plants away so I’m so afraid to go near the remaining. It would be great to be able to buy them somehow!

  7. P00KA2 says:

    Ooooo would love a chance to get those polar berries :) hope it shows up in wish machine! Also THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! For fixing faded items! YAY so happy :)

  8. mrmic5 says:

    Winter… I never seen polar berry on Next.. just in classic? What year it came on next? Any plans it will be on next?

  9. biscotti says:

    Sally, it would be great if those polar berry plants were an option in the wish machine! Also just wanted to ask if the green grass around kinzville is supposed to be black now. Since the update, it looks like nightime when i walk around kinzville to collect flowers as all my green grass is gone and has been replaced with black.

    • sally says:

      What device are you using? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? It sounds like some files didn’t load proeprly.

      • biscotti says:

        Hi Sally, I’m using an iPad. If I delete the app and then add it back, will all my things along with my progress still be there? I’m so scared to delete it and then lose everything.

        • sally says:

          All of your data is stored in our servers, so you can safely uninstall and reinstall as long as you have a username and password. If you’re using a device id (no username/password), make sure you know your recovery key

  10. grandmaback says:

    I see polar berry plants. When or where can we buy polar berry plants?

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