Siberian Search!

Look for the ads with the Siberian Husky and pieces from the Snowman Costume around Webkinz World between November 27 and November 29 after 9 am to earn a FREE piece of the costume – courtesy of Ganz eStore!





How to get your free Snowman Costume item:


Log into


Look for the Siberian Search ad that shows the Siberian Husky and that day’s prize, as below.


When you see the ad with the prize, click on it. It will take you to Webkinz Newz where you can collect your prize.


The Snowman Shoes will be available on Friday, November 27. The Snowman Hat will be available on Saturday, November 28. The Snowman Costume will be available on Sunday, November 29.

Of course there is only one place to find the NEW Siberian Husky and that’s at Ganz eStore and the Official Webkinz Store on!

117 Responses to Siberian Search!

  1. Galaya says:

    Awesomeee! I have always wanted to have this costume and I might now!! ~Spokanegirl7

  2. kendraf05 says:

    rex i meant i have him he is so adorable

  3. bonesbongo says:

    If anyone has an extra pair of the SNOWMAN BOOTS that you do not want I would really like to get them I just opened two accounts. My Webkinz World accounts are: JollyJingles67 and JinglesBag67 Please let me know. Thanks

  4. cmsrockz1 says:

    I never see these ads when you have these.CMSROCKZ

  5. ImaPepper says:

    I can’t find the ad…help?

  6. blindfold11201 says:

    So cute, thanks.

  7. sillybear101 says:

    My ads aren’t working right on my webkinz page. is that one my web browsers problem?

  8. wolfhusky says:

    This is so cute! Can’t wait to get all of these!!!

  9. katherinemacey says:

    Sally Webkinz, for the holiday helper dragon contest what are the exceptions? what are the exclusions? cause i saw a post about this and you replied New York and Florida. Does that mean i cant win? Cause i live in FL……

  10. kuromi says:

    how do I allow ads?

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