Signature Beaver

Signature Beaver

115 Responses to Signature Beaver

  1. halsey9 says:

    He looks so much like Justin Bieber mabey the signutare beever can sing like justin bieber lol… he soooooooooooooo cute just like justin beiber what if justin bieber had his frount two teeth hanging out all the time but justin bieber is soooooooooooooooooo hot it burns my eyes

    • Kaci penguin282 says:

      Omg it is so adorble!!!! I NEED TO INVADE THE MALL!!!!:)

    • kaci says:

      It looks like it wants to eat us like we are pieces of wood…… but i would like to get the item….so that means we have to buy it!!!:) PS: It might be cute on line….i have to invade the mall…….oh and yo mama jokes are better than regular jokes…..ok i have one yo mamas so fat when she walked out side with a red dress on….all the kids yelled COOL AID!!!!LOL!!!

    • casey says:

      hes Justin beaver so funny

    • Emily says:

      HA HA HA HA HA! Maybe he can sing! WAY BETTER THAN JUSTIN BEIBER! His only SONG I LIKE IS BABY BABY BABY OH! Justin is soooooo NOT HOT!

      • cickbock says:

        i agree with you emly he is so not hot.i also really like the bieber.i want it for my bday. My username is bday is on may 1 and i want u webkinz fans to become my friend. xoxoxoxoxox

  2. CandyFun32 says:

    Looks like Justin Beeber! April fools day!

  3. Christy says:

    Whoot Whoot, it’s April Fools Day!!

  4. Jennifer says:

    I am getting this Webkinz today! I can not wait it is so cute and the psi is awesome looking!!

  5. Polar Berry says:

    Hey joke lovers! I have a pun to brighten up your day.
    Two hats were sitting on their pegs. One hat sees his owner coming, and says to the other hat, “You stay here, I’m going on ahead.”
    Get it? See ya!
    -Polar Berry

    • bunnymom says:

      :) funny!!!
      here’s one
      There were three brothers stranded on an island, an angel appeared to them and said “I will grant each of you one wish”
      the first brother said “I wish to go back to my family” POOF he was gone,
      the second brother said “I wish to go back to my family too” POOF he was gone,
      the third brother said “I want my brothers back” POOF all the brothers were back stranded on the island.

      • Warriors Dovepaw and Tigerheart says:

        I heard that joke at a sleepover last week!

        there is another joke about the three brothers. here it is:

        the three brothers were on an island, and there was a slide that when you went down it whatever you said you would land in. so the first brother went down the slide and said, “pillows” so he landed in pillows. then the secend brother went down the slide and he said “candy!” so he landed in candy.
        and last brother went down the slide and he said “whee!” and landed in pee. very funny! :)

      • bookworm says:

        ha ha! Both are SO FUNNY! I want to join the club!
        Here’s a joke:
        What does Santa use to clean his bathroom?

  6. Polar Berry says:

    Hey everyone! Are any of you interested in a joke club. We could do it on WKN. Which page should we do it on? Get to know me as Polar Berry. We don’t have to be there at the same time. Just post a joke on the page. You don’t even have to say the you are going to join, just post a joke. Hope you guys are interested. See ya!
    -Polar Berry

  7. W00t says:

    The PSI on this pet is a copy, looks like they need more original ideas for PSI items.

  8. Josie says:

    awwww! so cute!! :)

  9. mallory says:


  10. guineapiggirl says:

    I like the Signature Beaver. It’s not the cutest though. And it’s another copy!!!! My user name is pogo3397. Please friend me or tell me your user name!

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