Signature Beaver

Signature Beaver

115 Responses to Signature Beaver

  1. yasime says:

    Me tooooooooo hes so cute to pass him off I HAVE TO GET ONE $$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. mac says:

    yep same here hes my baby baby baby oh yeah

  3. Gracie says:

    That’s a pet I want to get.

  4. kitties with moxie says:

    hey does anyone know any new clothing recipes?

  5. Gator Girl says:

    It is soooooooo ugly!!! The special item is cool though!

  6. bunnygirl371 says:

    Its not very cute but i’m getting it for its item!

  7. 20luvnut00 says:

    That otter is so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dude! I dig it !

  8. animal-lover says:

    i think that it is very cute. i wish i could get one.

  9. pozitos says:

    you guys can be my friend my username is pozitos with a z and a s ok?

  10. Misty says:

    This Beaver is cool I love Beavers and they are the best animals you would see I will take it THANK YOU!

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