Signature Koala

11 Responses to Signature Koala

  1. OneVerse says:

    I like the items…not sure about the animal itself though. I already have a koala, Emmie. Short for Emerald. I’d like the Labradoodle, though! I love labradoodles! They are soo cute!

  2. budabbott says:

    i don’t realy like it…

  3. Sydneyc says:

    I have every webkinz. But I think this is the Cutese koala!!
    P.S. I’l be getting you later at JUSTICE!!!

  4. NinjaStorm says:

    It’s adorable! Its PSI seems so interesting!

  5. ilovewebsites says:

    that is so kool and qute! :):) :) :).i so want one but unles its my bday or a speacial ocassion(wich it clearly NOT) than i cant get it :( btw- not to be mean but it looks exactly like teh reg koala just online the pixels are more pixelated and the plushie is bigger

  6. bLacK iS mY coLoR says:

    A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!! I hope my koala Zane won’t be offended reading this, but this WS (Webkinz Signature) totally beats the regular koala!

  7. lisiec8 says:


  8. starwars lover 13 says:

    I absolutely love it! I have already 2 webkinz koalas and I need this one. :):):):):):):):):):) :)!

  9. fiona froogy says:

    I love it!!!

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