Signature Siberian Husky

156 Responses to Signature Siberian Husky

  1. ecarter1 says:

    This is an awesome signature pet. I wish I had it myself because it is soooooo cute.

  2. wolfgrl says:

    if it looks like a wolf, im so getting it! i <3 wolves!

  3. Just-Dance says:

    What does it look like online? It still is cute though!

  4. trosser says:

    That is so real looking! I’m really hoping I will be able to get this won

  5. FwendsFoEva! says:

    Omg I love huskys! Im asking for it for my birthday, which is coming up! Im going 2 name it Kya… So yeah pretty cool… Friend me > delephantay

  6. Lacey says:

    Bro. I LOOVE Siberian huskies. They’re soo adorable irl and I’ll be sure to get this!

  7. MissMystery says:

    So super duper cute!

  8. josie4428 says:

    its so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish i could that webkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. lucky9900 says:

    CUUTE!!!!!!!!!! Huskys are my favorite kind of dog. I wish I had one.

  10. Husky L♥ver says:

    I wish I had one. I would name is Smokey. Husky L♥ver :)

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