Signature Siberian Husky

156 Responses to Signature Siberian Husky

  1. maria says:

    I have a wolf!!

  2. lyndsay says:

    that husky is so cuite

  3. Wildheart says:

    i love it. it is sooooo cuite

  4. kat says:

    i have a siberian husky namde kela so if i get the webkinz husky i would name it kela ( key la )
    please add me : tamba

  5. beaverb41 says:

    I am getting this ADORABLE husky. I’m naming it Sledder or Jessica. Which name would be better?

  6. Chipmunkcheeks97 says:

    I LOVE HUSKY!!!!

  7. Animalluver126 says:

    CUTE! huskylover4567342 if you get it name it oreo. Friend me!

  8. IcyHot says:

    OMG!!! SO adorable

  9. Sami says:

    I have it and it’s really cute

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