Signature Small German Shepherd

Signature Small German Shepherd

32 Responses to Signature Small German Shepherd

  1. narwhals says:

    omggg it looks like it has a mustache XD but still cuteee :-)

  2. Jennifer says:

    lol oh well I love this pet too, I am sad that no more signatures will be coming out. Does that mean we will be having a retirment party for the Signature Series, if so lets be able to play the Sail boat Game more then once please. Happy April Fools day to all.

  3. Bat, Polar Bear, Carrots and 2 Zums. Maybe soon Rainbow Zebra and Clover Puppy. says:

    I have 2 German Shepherds and i don’t like this look for it!.

    I believe i posted (This idea) on the last German Shepherd Article. (The first Signature.)
    But LIKE I SAID BEFORE: “When someone buys ANY type of German Shepherd, They should have a CHOICE OF Markings!! Like a Full Black-Face, or one Black Spot on their Eye, or even have a Spot on their Nose & Mouth!.”

    I don’t think the Creators really LOOKED at them properly!. At least look at 20 or more of them!.
    You Staffers should LOOK at the 2011 German Shepherd Calendar! There’s ALL TYPES IN IT!. From Puppies, to white Fur-red ones, to even Long haired ones.

    Because putting a MOUSTACHE on a German Shepherd is NOT RIGHT!.

    • gingerhorsez2 says:

      It doesn’t look like the old Signature German Sherperd!!! It looks like a freaky bald dog!!! With a mustache!!!

      • Amanda the Pomeranian lover and Pitbull and German Shepherd protector says:

        I have the Signature Small Germand Shepherd!!!!!!!! His name is Jakoda, and all you people who don`t like him or any thing, back off! If you don`t like German Shepherds, Pomeranians, Pitbulls, Mexican Hairlesses,or Chinese Cresteds, then you don`t like any Dog!!!!!!!! And Gingerhorsez2, I`ll show you a bald Dog, a Mexican Hairless, and an American Hairless Terrier!!!!! This Dog is NOT bald or freaky or ugly or Dog with a mustach, or any thing bad, he`s just plain cute, awsome, adorable, cool, one of the best Signature pets other than the Pomeranian!!!!!!!!!! I love my Germmy Sheppy, I really want a real one, but my Mom will never let that happen!!!!! Jakoda is verry cool, and cute, way more cuter than all Dog haters (Or shall I say ANIMAL haters!!!)!!!!! And I`ll show you a Dog with a mustach, a Kerry Blue Terrier, and a Scottish Terrier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. WolfPuppy says:

    I like its PSI!!!!

  5. Webkinzplayer says:

    He is so CUTE! I’ve got to have one these! Kinda gotta thing for German Shepherds. I’ve got ALL of the webkinz German Shepherds and a REAL one as a pet! LOVE THEM!

  6. Polar Berry says:

    I’m starting a joke club. Just post a joke if you want to join.
    So… I have a pun to brighten up your day.
    Two hats were sitting on their pegs. One hat sees his owner coming, and says to the other hat, “You stay here, I’m going on ahead.”
    Get it? See ya!
    -Polar Berry

    • thoofy56 says:

      iv got a joke 4 u polar berry “2 muffins r in a n oven one says is it hot or what ” the other says “ahhhhhh talking muffin!!!!’
      lol funny right

    • HarryPotterNarwhals says:

      Polar Berry here my friend told me this one!
      What do you get when you mix a female deer and an almond?
      Answer: A dougnut!
      Here’s two i came up with:
      What’s a super models favorite snake?
      A boa!
      What’s a baby’s favorite snake?
      A rattle snake!
      I just came up with this one!
      Two cards are in a persons hands one says to the other i’m going to play the game; u can sit and watch!
      here’s one i want to draw i’ll say what it is
      A dalmation is at the place where you sit on a couch a talk to this dr. guy i can’t remember what it’s called and he’s sitting on the couch and the dr. guy is writing what the dog said down and the dr. guy says “do you feel that way all over, or just in spots! lol spots hope you like them i LOVE being funny! :wink: ;) :)
      Peace! – HarryPotterNarwhals :cool:

  7. zonkarunner says:


  8. W00t says:

    I was so sad to see the PSI on this pet, even the Puppy Control center was better then this one. I do like the Pet Specific Food, now that gets a kudos for that idea. I mean They need to remember Police are associated with this type of pet, so think wider like Detectives or undercover cops and such for PSI. Just my idea off the top of my head.

  9. WolvesForEvermore says:

    Why do all of the GSDs look like they have mustaches?? LOL. It’s very odd.

  10. sfulrar5 says:

    When I get a German Shepherd I’m gonna name him Cooper (naming him after my dog)

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