Signature Wild Bactrian Camel

164 Responses to Signature Wild Bactrian Camel

  1. korey says:

    i want that sombdy.

  2. clff92 says:

    It is so cute! I love the ice cream dessert.

  3. LivieStar4 says:

    I REALLY want this camel!! It would be a girl named Camille (for short- Cami;) and is the sand box it’s bed??!
    oh and if anyone would like to friend me: 031700okat

  4. snowy's owner is a boy! says:

    i hav a question. do mazin hamsters extend your account expirationdate

  5. alps6 says:

    IT’S SOO CUTE!!!

  6. elyssa says:


  7. AmandaPanda says:

    Rylie the best way to see if your webkinz are going to be cute when you log them in is by looking them up on the internet first. I have a very limited allowance I have to save up and if I want another webkinz(I have 13) I have to make sure I really love it and will not regret spending my money on it. I check to make sure I like what it comes with, what it eats(though thats not really important) and especially if it looks cute online as well as being a cute plush toy. Just look up the toy you’re planing to buy first and you’ll find everything you need to know about it. Or got to the news paper on webkinz and go to pets(up the top) and click on webkinz pets and you’ll find out what it looks like in toy form what it comes with, its food personality and traits. As well as what it looks like online. Anyone who wants to become my friend my username is avatotall

  8. Wolf master says:

    That camel is totally awesome!!!!

  9. kellen says:

    He is awesome!!!!!!

  10. savannah says:


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