Silkie Chicken Promotional Offer this Weekend!

* 75,000 eStore Points Silkie Chicken Promotion will take place at Ganz eStore from 12:01 A.M. ET on May 13, 2011 to 11:59 P.M. ET on May 15, 2011. An Online Pet Secret Code can be used to create a Webkinz World account or extend your account term. One Silkie Chicken Online Pet Secret Code will be awarded for every purchase or combination of purchases for 75,000 eStore Points over the course of the promotion. A valid credit card is required to complete an eStore Points transaction. An Online Pet Secret Code will be sent to the e-mail address tied to your Ganz eStore Account and in your purchase history on at the end of the promotion on May 16th, 2011. Valid e-mail required; any gift returned as non-deliverable will not be re-sent. Offer cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash.

122 Responses to Silkie Chicken Promotional Offer this Weekend!

  1. Damodar says:

    Just cause hes cute, he is not worth $75!!!! Sorry Ganz

  2. not tellin says:

    there not 75 there 25,500 estore points !!!!!!

  3. Emily says:

    I love chickens . . . I own a australorp! But Silkies are Soooooooooooo Cute!!! XD

    • Me says:

      “Hi” is my sister :D We have australorps to and silkies and light Brahmas and partridge rocks and Cochins and buff orpingtons and a couple more which I don’t know what breeds they are. :D :) and my sisters birthday is in 2 days :}

  4. back2thefuture says:

    $75.00 for a FAKE chicken!?!? :O

  5. Slivermoon says:

    Cool to bad I d’ont have any e-store points

  6. poppy says:

    75.00 for a chicken:0

  7. bamarocks says:

    Of course it’s estore!!! :(

  8. devin says:

    I love chikens

    • Hi says:

      AWWW…. I wish it wasn’t estore or I would get it. I like chickens, also. My family has around 90 chickens and I have about 15 of my own silkies. They are soooooo fuzzy and cute. I can hardly see their eyes! :)

      • Duckgirl says:

        wow 90 chickens! i have 5 we might get a silkie a white one they look like a bit like poodles and i dont think that silkie looks like a silkie

        • Hi says:

          I agree. It’s cute, but doesn’t look anything like a real silkie. I have black and white silkies. I kind of want a tan or blue one. That would be cool to have a blue one.
          P.S. my birthday is in 2 days (May 16th) !!! :) :D I am excited! :) :) :)

          • maddie says:

            Hi: Happy early birthday and WOW it is $5-$15 at target by my house and it is $75 just for this one!!!

        • Poodle Girl says:

          My family has 20 little guinea fowl! ☺ We got so many because we have foxes, coyotes, fisher cats, owls, and occasionally hawks in our woods and yard. We just finished the coop for them, and we may get two hens next year because guineas don’t lay eggs in the winter.
          I realize this silkie isn’t up to par, but it’s a cartoon– it’s not meant to be too realistic. I mean, just look at other Webkinz! Ever heard the term “Artist’s interpretation”?

  9. CocaCola says:

    I can’t afford $75.00 for a chicken even if he is adorable!

  10. shawnielue says:

    It is so cute!

    • Livia124 says:

      Cute but who would pay $75 for a fake chicken?!?!?!?! Go and buy a real one for 10 or 5 dollars

    • fuzzykitty says:

      Just to tell you guys, that doesn’t even look like a single one of my silkie chickens. They feathers on the head does NOT look at all like that….

      • sparklegirlLT says:

        I agree.

        • Master.of.the.Birds says:

          I totally agree. I have owned many purebreds and and mix breeds, and none looked like that. I have seen show winners and fails too, and this is just not anything like it. I thought that webkinz did purebreds though, so the crest should be much bigger, so that you cant see the eyes. This is my favorite breed of chicken, and this REALLY disappoints me. Along with that, its estore. How much worse does this bird get?
          Sorry ganz, but this is not pleasing at all.

          • Rosie says:

            Yes, I agree. They are really cute and Webkinz kind of spoiled them.

          • B1o2o says:

            I agree too

          • riclehan is my username add me plz p s be nice!!!!! says:

            hey have you heard of: if you can’t say nothing nice don’t say anything at all be nice your lucky they diddn’t kick you off webkinz! !!!!!!!!!

          • 8clawpaw says:

            Well there are monitors that read your message before they post it up so if you call this blogger “lucky” not to be kicked off then the monitors probably wouldn’t have posted it anyway. Well, I can’t see how there would be a reason Master of the Birds would be kicked off of Webkinz World. I totally agree with you, Master of the Birds (o.O I am master of the koalas :mrgreen: ) and I am sorry to say that I don’t see how anything Master of the Birds said was not nice. On Newz Blog, you technically here’s what’s allowed, I think (there might be more at least this): 1) a compliment 2) advice 3) YOUR THOUGHTS So yeah I’m just sharing my thoughts here, and so was Master of the Birds. ;)

          • ELM says:

            Hey everyone keep in mind this when you purchase estore points you get the points to spend on items such as the Silkie Chicken which will cost 12500, which is fine. All Ganz is saying is if you place points this weekend you will get your 75.00 worth of points and a chicken. If you buy the chicen without placing points on your account then you pay 12500 points. so if you think about it you are getting the chicken free because you keep all the points you put on your account and you get the chicken verses not buying points that can be used anytime on anything else like another pet, you get your chicken for 12500 . i will say this a few months ago the mint chip cow was much the same sale, i got my little cow then plus the zodiac pet, i would have had to pick which pet i got if not for the sale. and my mom and dad love a deal so i always tell them it is a sale and they read over it and find that it is a good deal espically if they already planned on placing monthly amount of points.

          • frostfur1 says:

            yeah i think i saw that! well heres my compliment, cute,my advice, MAKE IT LOOK MORE LIKE THE OTHER CHIKENS YOU MADE(OR AT LEAST SIMILAR) and my thoughts, REALLY, 75$! WE R JUST KIDS! GIVE US A BREAK! THERE, MY COMPLIMENT, ADVICE, AND THOUGHTS.

      • sheeplover says:

        I do have to argee with you on that fuzzykitty but it is still cute and to let everybody know it’s not 75$ it’s free with a purchase of 75$ you can still buy it at the Ganz Estore for 12.50 but Livia is right you can go buy i real chicken for lees but for those of you that can’t i think this is a great idea.

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