New Sleeping Sensations bed now available: Bluebell Bed!
This fabulous floral Bluebell Bed is a natural paradise for sleepy pets. You might want to put this bed in your garden for an even more peaceful sleeping environment.
You may find a new Sleeping Sensations bed each month at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
omg i sooooooo want that awwwww its sooo cute
birds would love it its so cute!
Awesome! I love that shade of bluish-purple! It’s really awesome! :mrgreen: :cool: :lol: :sad: :mad: :evil: :lol: :mrgreen: :sad: your friend sarahandlacey!
Awesome!!!! This is super-pretty! And that pet in the bed is super-cute too! :mrgreen: ~KK♥
I, too, LOVE THIS BED! It is so pretty! And it looks so comfy, too! All the best! MDIChickadee P.S. Yes, that bird is very cute! I have liked it since they first showed it to us!!
Cool! this is look cute! Your true friend, furryhairylion
I love this bed but I can’t get it. :( ::::::::::::: ;) :::::::::::
I LOVE THIS BED!!!!! But I’m not an estore :(. Hope I can become estore soon.
This is pretty cute i have to say. i like the little bird a lot though! :3 AHH SO CUTE.. i’ve always loved sleeping sensations! ;) even though they are estore…~sigh~ :|
that’s so cool! i want it! :) :)
I really like this bed! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
cool but im saving e-store points for a few pets !!~-~one direction luver
it’s OK
i already have e-store points but not enough though because i spent them on a few items
how do you even get e-store coin things?????
I don’t know either, but i hope i can figure it out soon
Too bad it’s e-store : .( My Webkinz Poodle(Poodleline) REALLY,REALLY,REALLY REALLY,REALLY,REALLY,REALLY,REALLY LOVES Bluebells(That is her FAVORITE Flower) I’m even making some special things for her since she was very sad when she heard it was e-store,She was so happy before we read it was e-store. Moon Blue
I agree sarahandlacey! :) ☀SM :mrgreen:
i love it i wish i had epoints im so mad! it would look awsome in my garden! >:( :)
UGH. I know how ‘ya feel. Blue being my fav color and all……… It’s not that blue,though, is it?
i like that bed too and my webkinz my friend gave me so I really want it but all my pets are boys! :(
I love that bed, it’s so beautiful! It’s to bad it’s e-store, I don’t have e-store. Why don’t they make things like this for the W-shop?? *The Stargazer*
me too!
Sorry, but the BlueBell Bed isn’t my thing to like. So, I don’t like it. ~Chicago Made☠
Hi crazygal (cool name) I don’t have E Store also I wish the bed was in the Exclusive beds that you can pick after you purchase 5,10 pets ect. We need new beds to pick from and this one would be perfect :) dew
I have over 60 pets so ya i agree it would be nice to have more options