Small Signature Black Lab

138 Responses to Small Signature Black Lab

  1. lc says:

    it would be therey thankfull of you if you would tell me you downt half to tell me if you dont want can tell me if you know or if you do you dont half to.

  2. lc says:

    aw its so cute i cant reciste it. i have to buy it anyway were do you buy it can you tell me were to buy it PPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. awesumness!!! says:


  4. BlackLabLover#1 says:

    So cute i used to have a real lab his name was Yugi i wonder if they will come out with a brown lab i would so coolllll!Mine and my friends b-day is tomorrow so psyched!!!!!!!:) heres my friend!

  5. dog lover #1 says:

    love it need it so muck but gest plane old cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. FireWolves says:

    I might DIE if i don’t get one!!!!!!!

  7. Amy says:

    I want one for my birthday that is in 7 days.

  8. aceinu2kool says:

    who wants 2 b my friend on webkinz???

  9. dogsbestfriend97 says:

    so adorable i am going to get it he is so so so so cute!!!!! :)

  10. kayla says:

    hey he likes my dog tyty. if any body wants to be my friend just type in beesebaby all lower case i got two new webkinz the majestic tiger and the shimmer bunney they are so cute i aslo have a peace puppy and a singature german sheperd id coming thursday or friday

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