Sneak Peek: 2024 Zingoz Celebration in Webkinz Next

May 25-June 2


The Zingoz Celebration is returning to Webkinz Next! From May 25-June 2, get high scores in Wacky Zingoz and you will be rewarded with a random Wacky-themed prize.

This year, the Wacky Beach Towel and Wallpaper are returning. Plus, we’ve added a Wacky Windchime. Will you win the rare Wacky Scooter? Play to find out!
Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



20 Responses to Sneak Peek: 2024 Zingoz Celebration in Webkinz Next

  1. amayacanflya says:

    Sally this is off topic but i hope you will answer. I have been trying to add a friend to my list and it always says try later. whats wrong ?

  2. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Omg! This is awesome I love that vehicle and everything else is really cool thank you Ganz!

  3. granma4 says:

    Can the prizes you win here on Next be sent to your Classic account??

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I’m not sure. Originally last year, one of the prizes: the Wacky Pedestals appeared to be sendable to Classic until a few days into the event when it was confirmed to be no longer sendable. I am not sure if any changes will be made to make any of the prizes sendable this year.

      • bubbac4 says:

        How do we send to classic? Didn’t know we could

        • crystalfawns53 says:

          If you go to your inventory, there is a blue truck item on the right of the icon containing the three white dots. If you click on the blue truck item, there is a box where you can check it to only show sendable items in the dock. This will show the sendable items. For certain items, you can pay kinzcash and/or gems to make a copy of it so that you can keep a copy of that item on Next while you send the other copy to Classic. However, there are items on Next that are sendable to Classic, but once you send it to Classic, it will not be tradeable on Classic. This includes, but is not limited to the Glampire room theme and the Werewolf/Teen Wolf theme. I hope this helps.

      • granma4 says:

        Thanks crystalfawns53 for your help. I’m not deluxe and I don’t have a next account. Keeping up with classic is all I have time for. I’m hoping the prizes will be able to be sent and tradeable. then if anybody has extras they can share i can give some wallpaper for windchimes. Good luck to you I hope you get lots of cool prizes.

        • crystalfawns53 says:

          You’re welcome. I’m really glad I could help. I’ll let you know if the wacky windchime is sendable and I’ll try saving as many of them as I can on my Classic account if I am able to send it over.

          • granma4 says:

            Thanks crystalfawns53 that would be awesome my un is the same as here. I can send the wallpaper back to you.

  4. granma4 says:

    I wish this was on classic. I do not play on next. I only have time for one. I would love some wind chimes. I have lots of wallpaper.

  5. raggedyann1968 says:

    Wow, I’ll hope I get the scooter and windchimes! I’ll be unable to play some of the time so I’ll have to play hard when I can!!

  6. crystalfawns53 says:

    I can’t wait!!! These prizes sound amazing!

  7. mrmic5 says:

    Ohhhhhh WOW!!! Ty Ganz. Love the new prize! Thank you : )

  8. BoulderPrarieHome says:

    WORTH THE WAIT!!!!! Can’t wait until May 25th!!!

  9. grandmaback says:

    I can’t believe I did not play this last year. I can’t wait. Since the bug fix for macs it’s one of my better games

  10. kkat says:

    Love the new prizes!

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