Sneak Peek: Back to School Blitz

Look for falling apples from August 14 to August 27 in Kinzville! Run around Kinzville and walk over apples to collect them.
Turn in 20 apples for a random prize. You can collect up to 50 apples per day.
There are 9 prizes to collect, including some brand new ones like the Hopscotch Rug and the green, blue and red lunchbags!
See you in August!


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9 Responses to Sneak Peek: Back to School Blitz

  1. kalcan8 says:

    Hi! A couple of Next updates/questions: the apples aren’t falling for me this morning, and I’m not sure if I’ll have time later today to try again. :-( Are other players seeing them? Is there something that I need to do differently? The school buses are floating and awarded me two cheerleader cheese sticks, which are displaying as a gorgeous gazebo in my food section right next to my carrots. I even tried to put it outside (wishful thinking!) Just thought that you should know. While I will be happy with the cheese sticks, I wouldn’t complain if you left the gazebo in my dock too. ;-)

    • kalcan8 says:

      Update: apples fell right away on my secondary account. It was during the cake making event, so I wonder if that had anything to do with it. How many apples can we collect per day, if we are lucky enough to see them?

  2. wk2nd says:

    Yay! Thank you! looking forward to it. I hope there’s books and note books too

  3. gingerdare says:

    Quick question: Will we be able to sell the unwanted/extras of the random prizes? I’ve noticed that there is a lot of things in Webkinz Next that I can’t sell or send to Classic so it’s just sitting in my dock. Most are prizes, either off the Wheel of Wow, season prizes, or prizes like this. Does anyone have any suggestions with what to do with this stuff?

  4. kalcan8 says:

    We’re not ready to be thinking of back to school yet! But I thank you kindly anyway for the apples and nifty prizes! Is that periodic chart of the elements a prize? (top of my wishlist!)

  5. Sonari says:

    Yay, this looks fun! I hope the lunch bags go in the backpack slot, not enough colors to choose from the go with outfits. Wrist could work too. Anyway, hooray for apple collecting! Now how about some harvestable apple trees to go with it? =)

  6. abmol says:

    ughhh i wish this was also in classic. im building a school

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