Sneak Peek: Midnight Carousel Horse

Go for a carnival ride with the beautiful Midnight Carousel Horse! With a deep love for fairs and circuses alike, this pretty pet always loves to play with their own personal Prize Klaw Machine! And when it’s time for a terrific treat, they always choose a carnival classic — a delectable Licorice Snow Cone!

Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how to get your hands on this awesome virtual pet!

51 Responses to Sneak Peek: Midnight Carousel Horse

  1. adara917 says:

    the prize machine looks awesome! that gift box goes perfectly! nice idea 4 a carousel horse

  2. CountryKinz17 says:

    Cool I like this one better than the first one

  3. gata says:

    yes it is ue~Nike BUT Because it iz,this pet mite be delux or an e-point promo!:/

  4. sarhel says:

    ganz should make a whole carousel pets line!

  5. EarthLover22 says:

    They have a carousel horse thats white too!

  6. MidnightFireflies15 says:

    love the pet and psi very cute!

  7. texasmickey2 says:

    Do i get this MikeWebkinz? cuz i thought of it ? kinda…. :P Pwease

  8. mommyoftwins says:

    If the PSI does something neat, then I will buy it…

  9. Toothless32 says:

    Love it! Just wish it wasn’t virtual only.

  10. tygerkit says:


    • popy380 says:

      tygerkit? do you like warrior cats? NEFARIA IS AWSOME! SO IS TIGERSTAR! SO IS…. uh… i don’t know… NIGHTMARE MOON! not meaning that luna is evil, but nightmare moon used to be. mom says i have to get off now, like, NOW. >~pop~<

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