Hey there! When you elected me Mayor of Kinzville, I promised I would bring a whole new rare theme to the Curio Shop for you to collect. Well, I’m a dog of my word, so I’m finally ready to show you this amazing new theme that I think you’ll agree is VERY artistically decorative…



And now, I present to you the NEW Art Deco theme!



This cool new room theme will have 12 pieces to collect:














This new theme will be available to appear after our next update on Wednesday, February 12th –but it may not appear right away.


Every day, 1 rare item appears in the Curio Shop for Deluxe Members, while there can be anywhere from 0 to 3 rare items each day for everyone else. Which rare items appear is random, so you’ll have to check in at the Curio Shop every day!


The good news is the more often you visit (especially if you leave a little something in my tip jar!) and ask me about rares, the more likely I’ll tell you what time a rare item will appear!



If you want a closer look at the Art Deco theme, stay tuned to Webkinz Newz on Friday, February 21st, when it will be featured in our latest “Webkinz Close Up” series!


Hope this new rare Art Deco theme is what you’ve been looking for!



What do YOU think of the Art Deco room theme? Let us know in the comments below!




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101 Responses to SNEAK PEEK: NEW Rare Theme!

  1. sheylee9 says:

    it’s giving new LA vibes — techy and sharp. not the biggest fan

  2. beerfeet says:

    Love the dark teal color, very upscale! The window is lovely. The vanity is especially creative. Looks like it may have storage.

  3. mypaws says:

    Thank you, Mayor Arte; you are indeed a dog of your word LOL.

  4. lapaquita says:

    love the look of the new theme…but am MAJORLY disappointed that there are no storage items (either for clothing or for food) included. For me, at least, a room doesn’t feel complete without storage items.

  5. dejwoww says:

    I love this Rare theme. Could we get it on Next? Please? Please?

  6. tuscan2007 says:

    This is so interesting. Any chance we could get it on next? Please?

  7. Msamommy says:

    Hmmm, very interesting. Close to my 1920′s Gatsby Theme in the theme contest recently….same colors and all.

    • tinyklp says:

      For what it’s worth, I like yours better :)

      • Msamommy says:

        Thank you! I appreciate that! I was really hoping they’d create mine, since they said they would use other finalist themes later on, but they won’t now that they made their own version of it. Oh well…

    • alucard says:

      @Msamommy – I loved your 1920′s Gatsby Theme room, too! Wonder why they didn’t use your design? This one is “okay”, but looks a little too much like the furniture looks in Next. I do wish they wouldn’t put it in the Curio Shop, as it will take forever to collect all the furniture items. I just wish they would add new room designs in the WShop, and not price them so high! Still, the colors for this theme are really nice. Just wish it was available in the WShop! :-/

    • SugarP says:

      When I first saw the Art Deco theme my first thought was that it reminded me of your Gatsby theme from that contest. I’m surprised they didn’t mention you as the inspiration for it or something.

  8. pepsi4324 says:

    LOVE!! And, it’s reasonably priced, except for the wallpaper and flooring. Seems that is about 150 KC overpriced.

  9. madiimoo says:

    This is so glamorous. it’s giving Party 4 U (gatsby’s version)

  10. katriana says:

    Yay I’m so excited for a new rare theme to collect!

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