Sneak peek: Next season features two rewards you can send to your Classic account.

The Classic Christmas Season is starting soon in Webkinz Next and it has two very special rewards that can be sent to Webkinz Classic.
First, we’ve designed an item for everyone to win!

Perfect for the pet-on-the-go or for any of your pets travelling this holiday season, the Christmas Tree Backpack is a festive accessory and its gorgeous in BOTH Classic and Next.

Don’t fur-get! Classic players can send this prize to their Classic account. So, if you’ve never played a Season in Next before, Classic Christmas is a jolly good place to start.
For Season Pass Holders, we’ve designed a grand prize that puts a fun spin on a tree-ditional holiday fixture.

Your pets will fall in puppy love with this delightful outdoor fixture as they swirl down only to be brought back up to the top by a pet-sized sled.

The Classic Grand Christmas Tree Slide is the grand prize for Season Pass holders and it is also available to be sent back to Classic.

Anyone can buy a Season pass at any time during the Season. So, if you’ve never joined us for a Season in Next, Classic Christmas is a jolly good place to start! Play for free with an optional Season Pass purchase if that is your holiday wish.
Will YOU be playing Classic Christmas?
Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



34 Responses to Sneak peek: Next season features two rewards you can send to your Classic account.

  1. smiley216 says:

    When does this start?

  2. KarenaJ says:

    Excited for this season!

  3. beerfeet says:

    I will definitely be paying and probably buying the special season pass, so I make sure I get all the extra goodies. Thank you to the designers for putting so much effort into making this a special Christmas.

  4. beerfeet says:

    I will definitely be paying and probably buying the special season pass, so I make sure I get all the extra goodies. Thank you for the design is putting so much effort into making this a special Christmas.

  5. sunnypinksky says:

    I love that the tree is available in both games. I can’t wait to get all the season pass prizes.

  6. catgirl3004 says:

    These are so cute!! I hope I can get that tree! Also, a HUGE thank you for the decrease in points. I was actually able to finish the season this time, even with a big classload and workload. Thank you!!!

  7. shadowhunterstv says:

    Hi Webkinz I was playing Webkinz next this morning and got the Santa Sleigh by trading and was playing with it today and when I was switching pets it disappeared, I’ve tried logging out, deleting the app and reinstalling it, it still hasn’t shown up. I was wondering if their is a bug or something

    • sally says:

      Did you switch pets while you were still in the sleigh? Switch back to the original pet and see if it’s still attached. Otherwise, contact so they can return it to your dock.

      • shadowhunterstv says:

        I did do that and it didn’t work. Good I did send an email yesterday about it. So I’m glade that I did the right thing when I was asking in the park if anyone was having problems someone said to tell you guys about it here to so that’s what I did. Thanks

  8. kalcan8 says:

    Completely unrelated, but don’t know where to put this so, here goes: My pet was at the KVA today in Next. I had just entered the class area and saw that the first class was music (my least favorite, but at least it was at the easy level). Somehow I got booted off – lost my connection? Don’t know. When I logged back in to pick up where I left off, I had an “F” in the music class. >:-( It’s like having a fire drill at school and finding out the next day that you failed an exam because you weren’t in class. ?_?

    • rachelgirl192 says:

      I had the same problem (twice), and I was annoyed.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      That has happened to me too after finishing with a perfect score on the medium version of art class. I tried to click to go to the next class (which was on hard mode) and also got booted off. Sadly, if the system kicks you out before you confirm to go to the next class or if you exit out of the class before you complete it, it will automatically give you an F.

    • BH1464 says:

      That seems totally UN-fair. I hope they can at least eliminate the score for this class so it doesn’t bring any totals down.

      • rachelgirl192 says:

        are there any totals for classes? Like at school? I thought it just gives you more rewards when you pass with a good grade, but I didn’t know we had finals or anything. (or that the classes will count toward something later)

    • Grandma52 says:

      I haven’t had that issue, but I am having one with the Bingo game. Last week it froze and is still frozen.

      • kalcan8 says:

        Hi Grandma52! I haven’t heard of anyone else having difficulty with the Bingo game yet. Is your Bingo card empty, or do you possibly have 5-in-a-row? If you are lucky enough to get 5-in-a-row, remember to “Shout Bingoz” by pushing the yellow button to get your reward. I have had the opportunity to do that on the red, and blue boards, but not on the green/one-spin-a-day board yet. After you shout bingoz, the next time that you go on, your board is cleared. I have had a problem where it tells me that I am out of spins the day after I get 5-in-a-row, so I end up missing a day on that board on that account. Hopefully the Ganz team can look into and straighten out any glitches.

  9. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    These are so pretty, thanks!! I hope I can finish this season

  10. bubbac4 says:

    I so wish we could purchase Next items with e-store points.

    • Zooooooz says:

      I wish we could purchase Classic items with Diamonds! ;)

    • cowtown2 says:

      i so to wish we could buy from the estore all the items the pass cause i have never got from a game site before, except webkinz, thank you all for the game i love classic, and im still on the hope they can change some things back over maybe to the new html or what ever they call it, who new flash had so much to do with stuff, thing that others had to changed to,i so hope many will come back, love both games. we love you webkinz, and wish you all a happy holiday, and can’t thank you enough for all you do, i know they have allot to fix two games and the estore, and this page which i like to this is how i can keep up with exciting things, no social website for me, yet.

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