Start Collecting Holiday Baked Goods!



The Holiday Bake Sale starts today and runs until midnight, December 16 (EST), on Webkinz Classic! During this event, look for the floating gift box and click on it to earn a baked good (limited to 2 a day for free players, 4 for full and 6 for Deluxe players).


There are five baked goods to collect. Here’s a look at each one:



Combine baked goods on a stove to make holiday themed prizes for your pets! You can use the Holiday Bake Sale Cookbook to learn each recipe. The cookbook will be added to your Dock the first time you log in to your Webkinz Classic account during the event. It’s also available in the Fun Stuff > Books section of the WShop!



There are ten different prizes you can make with your baked goods. And, you will still be able to make the Holiday Bake Sale recipes once the event ends at midnight, December 16!


Here’s a look at each prize but remember, you’ll need to use the cookbook to learn how to make them:



Which recipe is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below…


68 Responses to Start Collecting Holiday Baked Goods!

  1. Sollace says:

    All the items are nice. I already have a lot of them. May I suggest a table to go with the country chairs!

  2. nicetigress says:

    I like all of the recipes!

  3. megamom12 says:

    I’m so mad that there was no notice that they were removing the chest! I would have made several more!

  4. BeezKneez says:

    Hi Sally – I just wanted to thank you for your super fast reply to my question yesterday. I watched the app update, but then could not enter the app. The first thing I did was to just shut down my computer and restart and that fixed the issue right away. Thanks again and please pass along my thanks to the tech team who fixed the issue so quickly!

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