Sneak Peek November Event – Peek a Newz Challenge

The Bulldog Puppy pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this November, and he’s got a bunch of prizes you might win!

From November 1 until November 30, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Bulldog Puppy 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a random prize from the November Prize Pool…including a BRAND NEW piece of furniture exclusive to Webkinz Newz!

Acorn Placemat Setting (Common)
Brown Elm Tree (Uncommon)
Chef Gazpacho Stove (Rare)
Chef Gazpacho’s Place Setting (Rare)
Fall Floral Dress (Common)
Fall Floral Skirt (Common)
Fall Style Striped Hoodie (Common)
Fantastic Fall Wardrobe (Rare)
Hay Bales Lamp (Common)
Leaf Glasses (Common)
Maroon Argyle Sweater (Common)
Maroon Sweater Dress (Common)
Master Grill (Rare)
Mini Pumpkin Tarts (Common)
Orange Argyle Sweater (Common)
Orange Elm Tree (Common)
Orange Knitted Headband (Common)
Orange Sweater Dress (Common)
Red Elm Tree (Uncommon)
Sagittarius Symbol Wall Decoration (Uncommon)
Topaz Birthstone Gem Lamp (Uncommon)
Tri-Mirror Ebony Dresser (Common, NEW)
Turkey Hat (Common)
Yellow Elm Tree (Uncommon)

42 Responses to Sneak Peek November Event – Peek a Newz Challenge

  1. RainbowDash20PercentCoole says:


  2. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Cool! This sounds like fun! I wish Webkinz had not put in stuff that you can buy at the Kinzstyle Outlet. The items that I really like for the top 3 would probably be the Topaz Gemstone Lamp, Leaf Glasses, and the Mini Pumpkin Tarts. For the Rare Items, I don’t really get why they put the Chef Gazpacho’s Place Setting. Isn’t that one of the prizes for the free foods when you log in? These are soo cool anyways. :)

  3. gmatiny says:

    PLEASE DECEMBER PENGUIN and WHITE POLAR BEAR PLUSHYS !!! You already have these made in the past !!

  4. gmatiny says:

    LOVE the fireplace stove !!! But NO rare for the last few months so I know I won’t get it but it is AWESOME !! The common lamp is BRIGHT and that is cool !

  5. kaye10 says:

    Again, I have ALL of these EXCEPT for one (THANKS for that one I will be trying for–Ebony dresser–love it <3). k.

  6. Duckcall says:

    Hope we can each win at least one rare item. That would be fun.

  7. FennecFox says:

    I love the trees and sweaters!

  8. Spiderhulkman says:

    I am hoping to get a Fantastic Fall Wardrobe, a Topaz Birthstone Gem Lamp and an Orange Knitted Headband. :D The stoves are pretty smokin’ too! ;)

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! :D

  10. ILoveWebkinz12345678910 says:

    Oh These look so cool!

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