Sneak Peek: Tartan Terrier

Can you hear that? It’s the triumphant sound of bagpipes announcing the arrival of a proud Scot pet…the Tartan Terrier! This Celtic pup loves celebrating the traditions of its homeland, especially wearing their special Highlander Outfit! And while you get to know them, of course they’ll want to share their favorite native treat: a box of delicious Shortbread Biscuits!

42 Responses to Sneak Peek: Tartan Terrier

  1. Opalkitty247 says:

    I am Scottish and would love a pet that’s the same :)

  2. greenturtle12 says:

    This is an adorable pet. I would name him/her Sherlock. And the food looks delicious.

  3. sweetcupcake16 says:

    I LOVE THIS PET!!!! :D :D :D

  4. Webkinz_Love122 says:

    The pet is really cute but the PSI is not my fave. I would love making a room for this pet though c:

  5. alonnia_01 says:

    That’s so Adorable

  6. ZintheranHymn says:

    I love him!

  7. lilypugrulestoo says:

    adorable….this I want but can never find them in stores….

  8. roseycheeks2003 says:

    Aw so so so cute!!!!!! I cant tell anyone how cute this pet is!!! It has better psi than the ballet puppy though still AWESOME PET!!

  9. Misty900 says:

    Lol!!! He’s so cute!

  10. SmoresOfScotland says:

    Awe! How adorable! I’ve never really cared for suit tops with kilts, though. I’d like just a fancy cream-colored shirt much better. Still cute, though.

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