Snow Lynx Winners

Congratulations to Aion, ChipsnSalsa, pingupingu1234, daisie, and oldlou! They’ve each been sent an adoption code for a virtual Snow Lynx, November’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Snow Lynx any time in November to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special gift you choose yourself.


Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!

37 Responses to Snow Lynx Winners

  1. orabun says:

    Congratulations everyone! Enjoy your new Snow Lynx! What are you guys naming it?

  2. arm914 says:

    My peek a news and food hasn’t been arriving to my account for the past two days, unfortunately!

  3. Strawberrykinz72 says:

    Hey everyone, my daughter and I did the Peek A Newz, and it is still not sending the prize box back to our accounts. Just wanted to let everyone know. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

  4. lucylane556 says:

    Hey, Sally, I tried clicking on a Snow Lynx for the Peek A Newz, but it took me to a thing that said… Darn, I don’t remember, but I don’t think it counted for the prize. Help!

  5. Mila14 says:

    Thank you for fixing the November Peek-a-Newz. Love, love the prizes! I got the Topaz Glasses. Please make it into an article.

  6. catloverdoglover says:

    Ooh! Congrats everyone! Sally, I have a question why arent my E-store points showing up on my acc. It’s Nov 1st and I got everything else except the points..

  7. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Congrats, winners!! Enjoy your new pet!!

  8. bonesbongo says:

    This is off topic there seems to be a problem with the Chameleon Contest for November as well. I not able to enter the top ten side dishes, the only thing appearing is Answer Skill Testing Question

  9. lucylane556 says:

    Congratulations, guys! Sally, how DO I join the Pet of the Month Club?

  10. Beckinz8 says:

    Congratulations to all of the proud new owners of this adorable Lynx!

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