Sparkling Pegasus Spotted on Twitter

Hi everyone! As part of the Webkinz Day celebration, we’re giving away 2 Sparkling Pegasus codes on Twitter. If you follow our Twitter account (, you’ll receive the latest Webkinz Newz, gossip and sometimes –prizes!

Today we’re picking our favorite 2 tweets that describe your BEST memory of Webkinz. In order to win, you must use the word –> #webkinzday <– and send out the tweet by 7PM EST.


Disclaimer: In order to participate in the Sparkling Pegasus giveaway, participants must send in their entries on Twitter. If you’re under 13 years of age, you may need some help from your parents or older siblings that have a Twitter account. Get your parents’ permission before buying, chatting or giving out information online.

Friends, there are lots of things to do in Webkinz World – and in Webkinz Newz – and we’re just trying some new things on Twitter right now.

113 Responses to Sparkling Pegasus Spotted on Twitter

  1. Gracie says:

    I dont either this is bogus. why can’t they do it on webkinz newz.And i really want the pegusus.This stinks.ALMOST EVERYONE GOES ON WEBKINZ NEWZ.:[

  2. pinetoparizona349 says:

    i don’t have a Twitter account. :cry: no one in my family does. friend me at pinetoparizona349

  3. Judy says:

    Sparkling Pegasus!!!!!!!!!! awesome so pretty

  4. Webkinzgirl78 says:

    Ugh more twitter ganz please stop with the twitter stuff I don’t have a twitter but I really want to participate in this stuff. What about all the other people who don’t have a twitter? They probably feel bad I mean how many kids do you know have a twitter? Not very many. Comment and tell me if you agree with this statement

    • hed19 says:

      I agree with you, I’m not allowed to go onto Twitter because we don’t have a Twitter account. Ganz, please if you hear us, please change it to something else besides Twitter that a lot of kids go on these days.

      • dewdrop says:

        I agree someone said there were around 4000 followers on Twitter , there are more than that who have Webkinz accounts not fair once again Ganz

        • Why! says:

          Ugh not again they are doing a lot of contests that some people can’t (hop,loony tunes) I can’t believe they would do it again after all the complaints they got with the other contests! Just anther contests kids can’t compete in

    • peanut55555 says:

      i agree with u i don’t have a twitter and i don’t know anyone with one either and also i don’t think that twitter is that great anyway so don’t feel sorry

    • krissie says:

      i’m just saying but webkinz has 4,542 followers on twitter. thats a lot of webkinz fans following webkinz on twitter…

    • gp1801 says:

      i agree i they should do it by commenting or something. Also friend me on webkinz gp1801. ( i don’t want the pet though)

    • Kimi says:

      I know, twitter is mainly so the adults can win the prizes. Then they put them on e bay like the sparrow that’s on there now. As soon as someone won it on twitter the other day they put it up for sale. They don’t give kids a fair chance to win the special pets with twitter and now face book.

      • krissie says:

        many of my friends on twitter have won a prize. at the bottom of the article quote, “Friends, there are lots of things to do in Webkinz World – and in Webkinz Newz – and we’re just trying some new things on Twitter right now.” We twitter fans to love twitter and it is fun and yes i do agree twitter can be for adults too… but there trying to be fair here. don’t worry though i’m pretty sure they’ll have these contests here on webkinz newz :) webkinz newz offers a lot of promotions so don’t worry guys ;)

        • Teyla rules says:

          I would agree with you Krissie, but it’s not fair for them to offer such a cool pet exclusively to people on twitter. I personally love the pet and really want one, and I wouldn’t mind getting one for free. :mrgreen:

      • I am just a kid says:

        I can’t get on twitter! When i saw what Kimi said above me it mae me really sad. : ( Not fair that some adult won that on twitter and is now selling it to make money. If i had one i would never ever ever sell it. That person selling it does not really like webkinz, they like money. I LOVE WEBKINZ! Please do those on here and not twitter. Thank you very much.

    • Birdiedevine says:

      I agree.

    • ellenlovesme says:

      I agree with you. I don’t have a twitter, but I like the pegagus.

  5. Dragon Lover says:

    I don’t like tweet so i’m not doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Blooming says:

    Awesome! But I don’t do twitter.

  7. kinzklipfan says:

    Man I don’t have and Twitter account but I LOVE the Sparkling Pegasus!

  8. Crabcake says:

    That was my first tweet!

  9. happy happy happy says:

    AWESOME! i won’t be able to get one though……but it’s still awesome! :)

  10. ssb1000 says:

    i don’t have a twitter account :(

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