Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Hi everyone, Steve Webkinz here. Lately I’ve seen several people on social media saying that they never collected all of their gems from the Gem Hunt—and some who don’t believe it’s even possible!


Well I’m here to let you know that it IS possible to get a Crown of Wonder, and to help show you how to do it!





The Gem Hunt was added to the Curio Shop as a daily activity way back in 2006. You don’t even have to be a Full or Deluxe Member to play it—even Free Players (on web and the desktop app) can go searching for gems every day!





Once each day you can search one of the mines for gems. There are 5 different colors to collect:


  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Green
  4. Blue
  5. Yellow


For each color, there are 6 gems to collect with 3 different rarities:


  • 1x Rare (R)
  • 2x Uncommon (U)
  • 3x Common (C)


You can see your collection by clicking on the Gem Collection box:
















The gems are hidden randomly each time you enter the mine. However, only certain gems can be found in specific mines. The rare gem for each color can only be found in one of each of the mines. That mine will also potentially hold all the gems from that same color, along with the uncommon and common gems from one other color, and only the common gems from a third color. You can tell which mine you are in by the color of the cave stalagmites and stalactites inside.


It breaks down like this:





Buried Bones Mine


  • All WHITE gems (including the RARE Webkinz Diamond)
  • Uncommon and Common YELLOW gems
  • Common BLUE gems







Muzzle Mouth Mine


  • All RED gems (including the RARE Red Ruby Heart)
  • Uncommon and Common WHITE gems
  • Common YELLOW gems







Flea Floater Mine


  • All GREEN gems (including the RARE Earth Emerald)
  • Uncommon and Common RED gems
  • Common WHITE gems







Howling Horse Mine


  • All BLUE gems (including the RARE Ocean Sapphire)
  • Uncommon and Common GREEN gems
  • Common RED gems







Barking Mad Mine


  • All YELLOW gems (including the RARE Corona Topaz)
  • Uncommon and Common BLUE gems
  • Common GREEN gems








Once you find a gem, Arte will make an offer to buy it based on its rarity and how many he has already bought that day (determined randomly).





However, if you find his “Gem of the Day”, Arte will make a special offer to buy it from you for 200% of its value!





You can choose to sell it to him, or to add it to your collection. If you want to save up for additional crowns, you can collect as many multiples of the gems as you want.


Once you’ve collected all 30 gems, you can click on your Gem Collection Box to trade one full set of gems for a Crown of Wonder.





Each time you complete the collection you can trade your gems in, so you collect a crown for every one of your pets!





Also, if you want to see your gems without leaving your pet’s room, you can pick up a Gem Hunt Jewel Box from the WShop. You’ll find it under the “Storage” tab, which is part of the “Furniture” category. Add it to your pet’s room and then can click on it to see your current Gem Hunt collection.





And if you’re ever bored of collecting crowns, you can also try dropping by Doug’s Collector’s Room in the Clubhouse (web and desktop app only) to look for Doug the Dog. When he randomly appears, you can click on him to trade gems for one of his special prizes. You can learn more about Doug the Dog and his prizes here.


Want to know more about the Curio Shop itself? You can read my earlier Special Report here.


That’s it for now—I hope this helps!


How many Crowns of Wonder have YOU collected? And what would you like me to report on next? Let me know in the comments below!


130 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. alucard says:

    This is helpful, but I do wish each mine was just ONE gem color! Why in the world do you put other colored gems in a mine where people are trying to find that ONE RARE gem? Do you realize just how frustrating it is to be hunting for that one rare gem in that gem’s mine, and continually get the other gems that you really don’t need, over and over and over! Or….make it where we can go hunt for gems every hour or at least twice a day. It just takes too long to find all the gems!

    • Tru1 says:

      I think it would be great if we were able to use all three clicks even if we found a gem on the first or second click. Then we could be given the choice to pick which one of the gems we found that we wanted.

  2. BH1464 says:

    According to this post, I will only find the Rare Blue Ocean Sapphire in the Howling Horse Mine. This is very helpful as I have enough of all of the other gems for three full Crown of Wonders except the Ocean Sapphire. I don’t have any Ocean Sapphire gems. Guess I know which mine I should be searching every day until I find Ocean Sapphires. Thanks Steve! BTW I have already traded for several Crown of Wonders in the past.

  3. dixieandi says:

    I just need the Red Ruby Heart and the Earth Emerald.

  4. fluffy901 says:

    THANK YOU. I needed 1 corona topaz for a while now. With this information I finally got it. I am trying to get 1 WCOW for each of my kinz. I think I need about 8. Searching will be so much easier now.

  5. CATSandBATS says:

    I was looking for yellow gems so I went to the Barking Mad mine. I ended up with a red gem…how?

  6. RockyB says:

    I have four accounts and MANY crowns of wonder – I’ve never had an issue collecting gems.

  7. pinkiecupcake says:

    This is a really great report! Thank you so much!

  8. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Wow. This is awesome! This post has just helped me out a whole lot Steve. I also just got my first Crown Of Wonder a few days ago!

  9. mstahlbe says:

    Steve, I’m really confused – today I found a common blue stone in the Muzzle Mouth Mine but according to your listing the common blue stones should only be found in the Buried Bones Mine. What am I missing?

    • Chiny says:

      That’s interesting that you found a blue in the Muzzle Mouth Mine, I wonder if Steve will answer. All the blue gems can be found in the Howling Horse Mine and the uncommon and common blue gems can be found in the Barking Mad Mine, too, according to the article.

    • Mila14 says:

      You CAN find common blue gems in the Muzzle Mouth Mine. I read an article that differs from Steve’s, and it also mentions that you CAN find common red gems in the Barking Mad Mine as someone also mentioned.

      • mstahlbe says:

        Thanks for the feedback – what article did you read that differs from Steve’s? I wish this article was more accurate!

        • Mila14 says:

          I have tried two times to let you know where I found the article, but they will not post my comment. It is not through Webkinz. I found the article a couple of years ago, and rely on it when I need a certain gem. Sorry.

  10. My4Sweeties says:

    Wow! I never knew about the gem colors and the specific mines! Keep up with stories like this, Steve!

    • Chiny says:

      I have quite a few Crowns of Wonder and many extra of some of the gems. I wish it was easier to find the rare gems, as they are definitely hard to find. Has anyone ever found Doug the Dog? I have never found him whenever I remember to go into the Collector’s Clubhouse room. I’ll read that article and see if it helps.

      • bekahandcj says:

        I have found Doug a few times, but I will say I have only been asked to trade a common gem to him and what I have gotten in return is always an ice cream cone. Not really worth it to me. Somebody else may have had a different experience, though.

      • sciencefreak says:

        Yes I have found Doug the Dog many times and traded with him. He has 20 prizes to offer you. You must visit his clubhouse room often to find him. Also a good tip is to take the same pet with you each time. That way you will collect the prizes faster.

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Hi @Chiny! It is tough to find Doug, but I think that it is really worth it when you finally do! You need to check back often. As far as I know, he’s only in the room for one random hour per day. I’ve had the most luck finding him between 2 PM and 8PM. I’ve never found him really late or really early. If you have limited computer time, just pop on for a couple of minutes, check his room at the beginning of the hour, and if he’s not there in the first couple of minutes pop back off and try again in the next hour. Always take the same pet because the prizes that he offers build in value as he asks for increasingly rare gems. As a special tip, if you do get lucky and find him, click on him, give him the gems he asks for, receive your reward, take your pet back home, and switch pets. You can repeat this with as many different pets as you can fit in the hour. I have no idea if it is supposed to be this way or if it is a glitch, but I have enjoyed cycling through his list of prizes several times by having each of my pets stop by to see him, all starting at the lowest level of the prizes and building each time until the grand prize. Don’t give up, because I think you will really like the prizes! I wish you the best of luck!

        • Chiny says:

          Thanks @Beckinz8 and everyone else for advice. I have found Doug the Dog three days in a row now! Yay! I’m using two different pets and try to check the Clubhouse every time I log in until I see Doug. Thanks for all the great hints. Good luck to those who don’t see Doug. When I’ve found him it’sa bit before or after noon (Pacific time).

      • sainfoin says:

        I’ve played for many years so I’ve collected many gems and won many crowns of wonder, but it’s nice to see these maps all laid out! I’ve found Doug the Dog quite a bit in the last year (I came back after leaving for a few years) and have won all of his prizes multiple times, but he is annoying to find since he doesn’t follow a pattern. I don’t usually play in the mornings but he often seems to be in the Clubhouse between 11am and 8pm, however I’ve found him in there as late as 11pm. He’s also a Webkinz Host Friend so you’ll get another friend when meet him for the first time. Good luck tracking him down!

      • jingles4 says:

        I just found him, first time ever! I will try to use the same pet so I can build up the prizes and also head to the mines every day so I have even more gems to spare. I did as you recommended @Beckinz8 and cycled through a couple of pets but don’t want to use too many gems so I can build up to the final prize. Thanks everyone for your comments and tips.

        • Beckinz8 says:

          You are very welcome! I’m glad it helped! When you get through his prize pool a bunch of times, you will find that you can earn a good amount from re-selling all the extra items in the Wshop. (Extra income potential!)

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