Spotted Leopard

Spotted Leopard
“Weather Worries”
Grand Prize:
Hero of the Storm display
Dig Prizes: Adventure Park Poster
Adventure Park Weather Vane
Molly Bobblehead Toy
Rafi Plush Pet
Weather Monkey Wind Spinner
Can you spot the Webkinz who would be happiest to be your new friend? If you spotted the Spotted Leopard, you’re right! Leopards are a little bit shy, but this big cat is sure to warm up to a terrific pal like you!

11 Responses to Spotted Leopard

  1. kelsey says:

    i love the prizes!!!

  2. my ryelee says:

    i spotted this pet alright, because i could think of a name for him the fastest. i adopted him several months ago and named him Leopold. i liked a movie i saw and one of the characters had that name, i thought it would make a good name for a leopard

  3. Sandstorm says:

    I might get this one… I was actually really wanting the Husky though, I like it’s PSI. My brother is hoping to get the Bengal Tiger. The Bengal Tiger and The Husky both get beds as their PSI. I really like the fox too though, it’s PSI is cute. But I’ll probably get the Husky.

    Warrior Sandstorm -ThunderClan-

  4. Wolf458 says:

    aww i have that pet it is my little Jazz! lol

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    I think this leopard is one of the sweetest pets! All the best! MDIChickadee

  6. cathouse2 says:

    I love the prizes this pet comes with! Maybe I can get it!


  7. ~Majestic~ says:

    Awesome prizes! ~Majestic~

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