Spring Celebration Gift Basket Gallery!


Log in to Webkinz World or with the Webkinz mobile app (available in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store) on Sunday, March 27th, to get your 2016 Spring Celebration Gift Basket, filled with wonderful prizes!


Take a look at all of the different designs for the Spring Celebration Gift Baskets from the past, including a sneak peek at this year’s gift basket:




How many of these Spring Celebration Gift Baskets have YOU received? Let us know in the comments below!



67 Responses to Spring Celebration Gift Basket Gallery!

  1. chopperjr says:

    i have the basket from 2007 all the way to 2016

  2. allicat19981998 says:

    Ive had an account since 2008. Previous Acct started then, New acct started recently.

  3. kobena1215 says:

    Another Great basket!! I have a friend that saves all her Easter baskets and Christmas presents, etc……As for me I CAN”T WAIT TO open them all !!!! Yeah for you and more Fun for US!!!! Thanks

  4. Mal112806 says:

    Signed up today because I got a Webkinz for Easter but I didn’t get no Easter basket full of gifts and Where in the world do you put in a code that you won this game is very complicated for kids and I can’t see adults fly unless I’m guessing that’s what it’s for my mistake

  5. kaye10 says:

    …lookbacks are bittersweet for me, as I missed the first several years, but have worked hard to gain back what was lost…I collect boxes, so at least I can collect the lookbacks of collections to in a way, make MY collection complete! My fave, if anyone cares, is hard to choose, but probably a toss-up between 2007 & 2010. What a fun job–designing all the baskets for W!! :) Enjoy!

  6. ts3003 says:

    I have been a member of Webkinz since summer of ’07 so I think all of the baskets from ’08 to ’16. Im not completely sure… but I’m guessing thats it.

  7. NMKID4527 says:

    Wow! I really like seeing how designs have improved over the years! I like the three newest ones the best but I can’t help but appreciate the one from 2009. It’s not a basket, which is why I like it. I just think it’s so original and creative!

  8. CaroleF says:

    I wish we could keep these lovely baskets as room decorations. I’d be more than willing to buy them for kinzcash!

    • rainyukl says:

      CaroleF I have said the same thing for years. Let us keep our pet and Holiday boxes for storage or decorations, I love them also.

      • 4uLittleOne says:

        I agree! Love the baskets and boxes so much i can’t open them! I also don’t remember receiving baskets and i’ve been a member since 2008! I probably was to busy and didn’t log in on those days. Bummer for me. Webkinz, i love you guys for always making my life a little brighter. Wish i had more time to play. Also Have a wonderful Easter everyone. And a beautiful Spring Celebration!!!

  9. shuggylay says:

    They are BEAUTIFUL! I especially love the three newest ones. Super excited to open mine, and get some prizes! Hopefully there is some chocolate in there, yum yum!

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