St. Patrick’s Day Spark Party

Spark a lucky Webkinz baby!


Looking for a fun St. Patrick’s day party? You’re in luck! Sally, Mandy and Dorothy Lou are hosting a Spark Party at the Adoption Center on Monday, March 17, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. (EST).
And, if you’re looking for the perfect lucky charm, we’ve got you covered! We’re gifting a Good Luck Crystal Gnome to everyone who attends the Spark Party for at least five minutes.

How do you join a Spark Party?

Spark Parties are free to join! Attendees are welcome to spark or just observe, chat and send cheers.

    Follow these steps to join us on March 17th:

  1. Visit the Adoption Center at 3:30 pm (EST)
  2. Click the “Join Now” button in the top right corner
  3. If you’re hoping to Spark be sure to join the line
  4. Sit back and enjoy!


If you’ve come early and you don’t see the button at 3:30 pm please exit and re-enter the Adoption Center. The button should be there when you return.
Remember, to receive the gift, users must stay at the party for at least five minutes, which do not need to be consecutive. Users who stay to the end of the party can claim their gift right away. Users who leave the party early will be awarded their gift automatically after a slight delay.
Will we see YOU at the party? Comment to let us know!

WHAT: St. Patrick’s Day Spark Party
WHEN: Monday, March 17, 3:30-4:30 pm (EST)
WHERE: Webkinz Next Adoption Center
WHO: Sally, Mandy, Dorothy Lou and YOU
WHY: Spark, spectate, cheer and chat

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


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25 Responses to St. Patrick’s Day Spark Party

  1. pixiebunny says:

    thanks for another opportunity!

  2. stinkypete says:

    Can’t wait for the spark party!

  3. Nickelcat says:

    I sure hope you figured out how to make this work for everyone who tries to participate, rather than having the system crash and turning the fun event into a frustration!

  4. KarenaJ says:

    I’m assuming the issue that occurred last time has been anticipated & fixed. Excited to attend the party and claim my prize. It will go well with the Valentine’s one :D

  5. netge says:

    I’ve just sparked a dragon with acid green wings, looks amazing. I hope the entire world will be able to log in on Monday at the same time, as they probably will.

  6. 100dogs says:

    Also REALLY hope webkinz does not crash was really upsetting i tried for about 45 minutes to get in.

  7. 100dogs says:

    Did you all add more redemption pets??? A giraffe and a pink tabby? Please let me know what are all the new redemption pets?

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