We asked you to create a room design featuring at least three items from the Stone Age theme. Here are the winners! They’ve each been sent a Feature Code for a Modern Farmhouse ?? Box, courtesy of Ganz eStore.
- athia_xx
- bullseyejingles444
- kittly2008
- pnellly5
- webbiesrgr8
Love them all but the museum is my favourite (because I love museums :) Great job, athia_xx!
Athia I love your museum. Especially how you divided the areas, the colours you used and your choice of seating. A very welcoming room.
I had no ideas on how to use this theme for a cool design, so I’m doubly impressed with these players for pulling it off!! Fantastic work, so creative!!
Great designs! Do we know what this month’s contest theme is?
Wizard theme
I love these rooms! Bullseyejingles is so creative! I love the Time Machine theme!
I know right? That is very clever. Reminds me of The Flintstones and The Jetsons LOL!… Good job everyone!
She based it off of them! She even dressed up her pets as the characters! Like Fred Flintstone Rosie the robot maid!
Congratulations to the winners! Wonderful room designs!
Wow! It is interesting to see how each room is a different design of the same theme. Congratulations on all that creativity!
Great rooms, well done.
bullseyejingles’ room has such a 2001: Space Odyssey vibe to it. Very cool!
All of these are great, but Bullseyejingles, I think yours is so imaginative. A time traveler!