Sunset Giraffe Winners

Congratulations to chessmaster97, 2018sophiaeve1, kodiakbear, madrbrennan and schnozfish! They’ve each been sent an adoption code for a virtual Sunset Giraffe, April’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Sunset Giraffe any time in April to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special gift you choose yourself.


Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!

13 Responses to Sunset Giraffe Winners

  1. lucylane556 says:

    Congrats, everyone!

  2. kaitgomez says:

    Congratulations to the winners!

  3. xamyspur says:

    Congrats to all the winners!

  4. sonicblue says:


  5. Freedom2026 says:

    Congratulations to all with winners!

  6. treeflower says:

    Congrats :)

  7. EmeraldSwan_591 says:

    Congratulations to all of this months winners. The sun set giraffe is such a cute pet to have to welcome spring!

  8. Puppy789 says:

    Congratulations everyone! Also Webkinz, I have a question. I know sally webkinz told me that the tropical island puppy can sometimes be found under classic pets but when I was looking on the estore I could not find it. Is there a way to search for it? If anyone knows please tell me.

  9. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Congratulations to all the winners! They are so many Webkinz players that it’s hard and lucky to win. I’ve been playing since 2009 and i still haven’t won any pet of the month drawings or quickdraws.

  10. j9e9n9n9y9 says:

    Congrats everyone! :)

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