Sweet Sushi! What in Webkinz World is this?

Swordfish Promo

These supernatural seeds grow sushi for your Pet!
Harvest this plant in your pet’s garden as you grow a delectable feast!

Sweet Sushi Sweet Sushi Sweet Sushi Sweet Sushi

Growing Gardens interactive item. Your Pet can use this outdoor room item to grow up to 1 food item for each harvest in Webkinz World.

You can find Sweet Sushi Plant Seeds and much more all at Ganz eStore!

312 Responses to Sweet Sushi! What in Webkinz World is this?

  1. smiley321 says:

    I hate when all the good stuff is in the eStore! And, i have no idea how to get eStore points, so, it sucks!

  2. smiley321 says:

    cool! sushi plant. awesome.

  3. TKD BLK BLT says:

    omg i wnt tht sooo bad bt i dont have the estore tht is soooo unfair! cant ganz put something cool like tht in the wshop????????? :(((((((((((((((((((((

  4. Peanut says:

    Cool this is what should be in the w-shop! They just have boring things due to the e-store! Why would someone spend money on nothingness? You don’t even have it as a possestion!

  5. Jaymee says:

    why does every awesome cool and amazing stuff have to be from the Ganz Estore?!?


    • bunnyland says:

      I agree =\

    • Fishy says:

      I TOTALLY agree with you! Why can’t they sell this stuff at the W-Shop?

    • karri95 says:

      u r like, so right! we should have cool stuff like this at the wshop!

    • Heather says:

      I TOTALLY agree!!! I don’t have a Ganz Estore account and it isn’t fair that you have to pay real money for stuff. I have PLENTY of WW money to give away but no real money. Yo, WW people, make more cool stuff for CURIO SHOP!!!!!
      Thanks… Heather <3

      (add me on WW username is hope1234567899)

      If anyone wants to give away their account or free stuff tell me! I'll take ANYTHING!! Even WShop!

      • Fishy says:

        This is TORTURE for us “normal” Webkinz Worlders. Well, for ME it is! :)

        • bunnyland says:

          Totally! I can’t stand Deluxe and Ganz! =\ Webkinz cost enough money already! Now they have to PAY for better things on webkinz!

          • rollaround says:

            Yeah bunnyland.IT IS TORTURE!!!!!!!!All my deluxe allowance is down the drain.You have to PAY?Now thats INSANE! Now to PAY for BETTER stuff?The sushi plant is a SUPER example.So as e-store PETS!

    • webby says:

      I’m sorry, but I really would like to know why everyone complains about the estore. I think it is so cool. If they put all this stuff in the wshop, then everyone would have it and what would be the point. Ganz is a company that runs a business, and businesses need to make money. evryone complains about paying for estore, but very rarely do I see a post thanking Ganz for all the free stuff they give away.

      • Jaymee says:

        Oh, I guess you’re right, sorry :(

      • Packerdan205 says:

        OK, they are a business, but I think they earn enough money from, Webkinz, kinzclips, mazin hamsters, trading cards, clothes, Glitter stuff, school suplies, and carriers. I think they can cut eStore. Here, let’s do a little figuring:
        Let’s say Ganz’ annual fee for running just the Webkinz part is 5 Million dollars
        Lets also say they have 1 Million members
        Even if you only buy 1 Webkinz a year, Ganz still makes 7 Million to pay for nessesities, (electricity ETC.) and salaries. Now I WAY underestimated the average Webkinz per member per year.(and probably members and cost to.) But my point is, Webkinz makes enough money to cut eStore and Deluxe.
        Maybe the owner cuts his pay from 2 Million a year to 1.8 Million, I don’t know? But the eStore and Deluxe are to much, especially the advertising for them.

  6. HarryPotterFan33 says:

    First comment! Not that I care! Duh!

    Cool sushi plant! To bad its in the eStore…

  7. womack24 says:

    I love it!!!! 1st comment

  8. bunnyland says:

    Cool! To bad I don’t ahve Ganz…OH first comment! COOL!

  9. blackheart66 says:

    Cool!!! But when I plated them my room was locked and I couldn’t get in!! So please guys do not plant them!!!
    BTW Does anyone have a Endangered red Wolf PSI?? I have lots of collio stuff!!!

  10. Awesomeness! says:

    First Comment!

    • Elizabeth says:

      Sushi Plant?!?! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

      • Mia says:

        I think it looks yummy! I love sushi. I would like it for my Webkinz garden.

        • kittycaty says:

          I purchased 2 Sweet Sushi Plant Seeds from the eStore and planted them yesterday. I am NOW LOCKED OUT of that garden…………..HELP! I see today they are pictured in the eStore but marked not available. Please advise what to do………….

          Sorry! Ganz has alot of glitches like this, the best advice that I can give you is to try entering that room with each pet that you have. Ganz will fix this soon if we all complain.
          ATTENTION EVERYONE….. SWEET SUSHI SEEDS LOCK YOU OUT OF YOUR ROOM! These type of glitches are normally wide-spred, so my advice is to not buy them until ganz announces that the glitch is fixed.

          • coco says:

            hi im vegitarian so i dont like meat

          • katiekat says:

            Well fish doesnt actuallly count as meat. Like on good fridays you can eat fish, but not animals such as pig,and cow.

          • cupcake says:

            i think that is rong that you purschaced something and when you put it in tour room it locks you out. What the heak

          • ninichini says:

            Do you pay real money at the estore?? Or can you use Kinzcoins.

          • abby2808 says:

            Well that’s dumb that it LOCKS you out of your room! Fix the problem GANZ!

          • Racheal says:

            Hey guys and gals! I don’t think Ganz should make stuff like that for the Estore. Many people out there (such as me) cant afford Ganz E store products, or we dont have online credit cards. I hope no one thinks im being mean(honestly im just expressing my opinon) but some peole just cant afford it! Thanks for llistening guys! :)

          • Urock says:

            coco- Sure on Good Fridays you are allowed to eat fish, but for vegetarians, fish counts as meat. I don’t know why they don’t count fish as meat on Good Fridays.

          • Urock says:

            Latitude- Sure on Good Fridays you are allowed to eat fish, but for vegetarians, fish counts as meat. I don’t know why they don’t count fish as meat on Good Fridays.

          • Urock says:

            Katiekat- Sorry, so it changed ur name to “Lattitude”. Lol what do the two have in common?

          • Urock says:

            Kittykatty- I’m not sure, but have you tried this- open up ur room. Then, click on the map. Then, you click the desired backyard.
            Hope it works!

        • olivia says:


          • Packerdan205 says:

            Do not do this anyone! No offence Olivia, but a popular scam in WW is to have a “Contest” to see who sends the best gifts. Most likely Cookie won’t send ANYONE a super bed. And even if she did, she would be getting like, 20 exclusives for a super bed. And the chaces of you winning are low.

          • Labz4Life says:



            WHO AGREES WITH ME?

          • cookie says:

            Yes I will! I am very honest and wouldn’t scam any body!

          • Packerdan205 says:

            But is it true that you will be getting like, 25 exclusives, rares, and other valuables in exchange for a super bed or two?

          • lovable says:

            I agree about the contest if she asks for people to give exclusives she will be getting all these exclusives and if you don’t get picked and you send a lot of exclusives, then what. I am just saying I think that is kind of a rip off and then for just super beds?You could get those easily for a good trade. And like the other girl said chances are very low that you will be picked, so I wouldn’t do it but that is just my opinion you guys do what u want.

          • Zike says:

            The problem is, millions of people have been scammed this way, and I don’t think anyone can trust you. Sorry. :(

        • Phineas and Ferb's no. 1 fan says:

          I LOVE sushi!
          It’s too bad u have 2 buy it in the e store. :(
          (I don’t buy stuff from the e store)
          BTW, THIS ZODIAC SIGN IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT’S FOR! >:(

        • awesomelashes says:

          mia…….what does sushi taste like?(hint i have never tried it)

      • Ceridwen says:

        Does anyone have a fairy falls tiara or a woodland wonders tiara? I have lots of good idems I’d trade for them including a rare rose dress, retired PSI, a super bed (for both), a Wand Sparkle Tree, and lots, lots more!!!

        • kitten says:

          does anybody (rather than me) want to put up trading spots in every webkinz newz thing? because than others won’t get annoyed if there’s a bunch of trades all over. here’s one right now……. does anybody have the rare movie screen or E-store PSI’s to trade? i have to trade a bunch of rare itiems, exclusive itiems, clothes, pet exclusives and pet rare’s. please comment back if you have the stuff i want. and comment back if you like the idea!!!!! :)

          • Cookie Slideshow says:

            First of all, the sushi plant is kinda ew. I mean really, it’s kinda weird how sushi (that is usually made from fish) grows on a plant. Fish don’t come from plants….so why would sushi? I’ll just have to ponder that for a while…… Hey! Does anyone want to trade for a love diva pet coat, country party dress (sorry I don’t have the hat that goes with it, but it’s still cute), mining suit, spring party dress, stylish ski helmet, or a Pet of the Month cloud machine? I want deluxe clothing, cool pet PSI’s, a sandstone spa (traded my first one, very sad!), or maybe some holiday items. My username is prettypanda19 so yeah, I’m on a lot and in the trading room most of the time. So, you’ll probably see me there with one of my seven webkinz.

          • Packerdan205 says:

            I think WKN should put a trading room, thread on this site. Then ya’ll who want to trade can go there and the rest of us don’t have to read comments on who wants and has what in exchange for something else.

          • lisiec8 says:

            me! i like the idea! oh ya i don’t have the rare move screen but i really wont some clothing! i’ll trade a serper bed for 3 of them!

          • RedPanda says:

            I actually want the Fire Top. I didn’t get it soooooo. Yeah.

          • RedPanda says:

            If anyone has two fire tops, I will take one. Or just doesn’t want one anymore. I couldn’t get one yesterday and would totally appreciate it!!!!! Thanks and more thanks. :D

          • Packerdan205 says:

            Hey Red Panda! I have an extra fire top! I don’t now if it is tradable though, :(

          • awesomelashes says:

            I would like some costume pieces!!!!! if you cant trade,you can just send it>3

          • JOYJOY says:

            sure lisiec8 i chang my name because it said to fast want to kinz post each other? i think your my friend on webkinz!

        • cookie says:

          I have a fairy falls tiara! what will you trade for it?

          • kitten says:

            are you commenting on mine if you sure. ( look what i put down)

          • Ceridwen says:

            I trade for it:
            - rose party dress
            - wand sparkle tree
            - a lap-it-up pool (a retired psi)
            -a phantom mask (it breaths smoke!)
            - a red space coaster car
            - or zap’s plazma ball
            Could we please trade?

          • kitten says:

            hey cookie will you make more contest?

          • HEY COOKIE says:


          • love6 says:

            i want it meet me in the kinz chat i have cool things at next sun.4.00 pink in room24

      • Lilly says:

        It does look gross

      • oviedude says:

        I agree…CRAZY.

      • Nicki says:

        I love sushi!!!!!!

      • CARL says:

        I am with you Elizabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        i hate sushi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i hate it so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • golapi says:

        So true so true.

      • Kodee says:

        I know i do NOT like sushi, but i guess it is a good food for pets who eat fish….lol =)

        • unet101 says:

          I’m sort of a picky eater. I hate a lot of things. Especially fast food. Mc. Donalds makes me want to vomet, Burger king is just blah and Jack in the box I only like their milkshakes. And I’m picky with what I get at other restaurants. I haven’t tried much seafood but I like trying new foods. Because I can’t say I don’t like it if I haven’t tried it. But I hate Chinese desserts. They are just blah! I want to be a vegetarian but about every night we have some kind of meat for dinner. (Mostly chicken.) I wish I could have just some fruit or vegetables for dinner LOL. I hate a lot of other things but I won’t list them all because it would take up a lot of room. So anyway I’m sort of a picky eater and I want to join your club and that’s it. (:

    • Elizabeth says:

      I’m making a new club on this thread called “The Picky Eaters Club”, also known as the TPEC. It’s easy to join, just follow these easy steps:

      1. Say ” I’m a picky eater!’
      2. Type in your username. [mine is FancyLove]
      3. Say the food/foods that you don’t like. [I don't like seafood and chinese food]
      4. Be ready to see when new TPEC club meetings are and please reply if you can attend or not if it’s a meeting for your type of food dislike.

      • Fishy says:

        My BROTHER is a pickey eater. :) But, I Don’t like Seafood either Elizabeth. It’s so disgusting!!!!!!!

      • Abigail says:

        I’m a picky eater! My user name is cpt3. I HATE sushi and fish!!! : P There are so gross!

      • Lwhiteswan says:

        I am a picky eater!
        I don’t like mushrooms, spinach, nuts, sugar free syrup, and plain tomatoes, and a lot of other stuff.

        • Elizabeth says:

          I TOTALLY agree on mushrooms, spinach, and sugar free syrup.

        • gingerhorse says:

          I’m a picky eater! I love Seafood, can’t stand spicy stuff, and I hate a lot of nuts! I can’t stand onions (that may change if I try) and tomatoes (UGH!). I learned an interesting fact about them: they’re fruit! I just HATE a LOT of things! There is this one thing that I hate but it’s not food: Shinning Stars! They’re lame, they want to copy Webkinz!

          • Tommy says:

            Something like 25% (1 out of 4) people are allergic to onions to some degree but many don’t realize it.
            About as many have a sensitivity to them. So if you feel bad a while after eating them
            [blah, or cramps, or other stuff, or get a little bloated] try avoiding them for a while & see if that helps.
            I am, and I know other people who are.
            So if you don’t like a food, trust your instincts. Sometimes our body realizes stuff before we do. Stay healthy.

      • Lucie says:

        I’m a picky eater. I don’t like flavored chips/pringles, pepsi, and nuts! I am so excited about this club.

      • pie101 says:

        i will join!

        • Elizabeth says:

          Cool! Just follow the rules to join!

          I’m SO EXCITED that this club is a success!

          • kittycaty says:

            I’M A REALY PICKY EATER! I HATE artichocke, meatballs, onions, shrimp, that dip made from fish eggs, octipus, mushrooms, and bacon! I will atend as many meetings as possible from 5-8:30! Please tell me when the first is!

            I purchased 2 Sweet Sushi Plant Seeds from the eStore and planted them yesterday. I am NOW LOCKED OUT of that garden…………..HELP! I see today they are pictured in the eStore but marked not available. Please advise what to do………….

            Sorry! Ganz has alot of glitches like this, the best advice that I can give you is to try entering that room with each pet that you have. Ganz will fix this soon if we all complain.
            ATTENTION EVERYONE….. SWEET SUSHI SEEDS LOCK YOU OUT OF YOUR ROOM! These type of glitches are normally wide-spred, so my advice is to not buy them until ganz announces that the glitch is fixed.

          • FireWolves says:

            Kittycaty, Can i be friends with u?

          • Elizabeth says:

            Welcome, kittycaty, I’m working on a time for the picky eaters club to meet right now! Just so you know every meeting will be in the clubhouse. I’ll let you know when I’ve decided the time!

          • Natalie says:

            ” ‘I’m a picky eater!’ I don’t like asparagus and peppers and Seafood. I’m alurjict to shell fish and even if I wasn’t then I bet I wouldn’t like that either. Oh and I don’t like tomato’s. Yuck! I also don’t like mushrooms and fish. Also sushi. I don’t like spinach and any kind of nuts. Also sugar free syrup. That’s all the foods I defenetly do not like. Thank You Elizabeth for making such a cool club!

          • 37chinchilla38 says:

            Wow, i cant believe that this many people do not like seafood!! I absolutely love seafood, but that is just me. Most of my friends hate seafood to. I would join your club if i was a picky eater (which i am not) because i LOVE really random clubs. By the way, i just HAD to say that octopus sushi is pretty good… Chewy though…

      • Serene says:

        I am a picky eater. My food dislikes are: sea food, pizza,pancakes,jelly beans,whipped cream, candied cherries, and apple sauce.A lot, right? Although i absolutely love chinese food! :)

        • Serene says:

          I hope i can join the picky eater club. Excellent idea Elizabeth!

        • countrylover3 says:

          I’m a picky eater!!! i highly dislike raw broccoli, plain tomatoes, sushi, Pb&j sandwiches with too much peanut butter, meatloaf without ketchup, raw carrots, school lunches(THE WORST) steak if it’s not medium rare, unsweet tea, and lots more!!!!!!

          • 37chinchilla38 says:

            I hate to state the obvious, countrylover3, but EVERYONE hates school lunches :) em included! (unless your school has unusually good food) The worst school lunch is chicken nuggets. They are soggy and they fall apart really easily.

          • Elizabeth says:

            Actually, I’m going to public school starting in August! I’ve had friends tell me that they have wonderful hot lunches! Stuff like extra cheesy macaroni and cheese, Pizza with cheese in the crust, etc.

          • 37chinchilla38 says:


      • FireWolves says:

        Can I join?? I am sort of a vegetarian, I do like Milk, Cheeses Yogurt, and leather things to wear…
        I just hate meat! And Most Vegetables!!
        I Don’t like Chinese food, All ANIMAL Meat, Peanuts, Swiss Cheese, Most Chips, Raisins, Fruit Snacks, Bananas, Mac ‘n’ Cheese ( It smells SO BAD!!! ), Most Vegetables Except Corn and Pickles, Fish, Sushi, Kettle Corn, Apples, and LOT OF OTHERS if I post them all, it will take a whole page!
        So Bye

      • 2zaney says:

        I’m a picky eater! i dislike fish and artichoke. My user is 2zaney. i can’t do kinzchat plus.

      • Jessica says:

        I would love to join!

        1. I am a picky eater!
        2. I am jbs0804 (Please Friend me)
        3. sushi, lobster, there are some chinese foods that I don’t like but I like most of them
        4. Will do! Also, can I somehow be a “Vice president” of the club and you a “President”? It is OK if not.


        • Elizabeth says:

          Jessica, you can be the Vice President! If I can’t make it to a meeting you can host it.

          • Serene says:

            Sounds good to me! When is the first meeting President Elizabeth and Vice President Jessica? :)

          • Jessica (From a few articles back) says:

            Webkinz User,
            Yes, I am the Jessica from a few articles back! And yes, I am your friend.

            Thank you for letting me be the VP! Just let me know when you can’t make it and I will have all the club members get together.


        • webkinz user says:

          Is that the Jessica I met a few articles back? I asked to be your friend.

      • lilydapond says:

        I’M A PICKY EATER! My user name is lilydapond. I would list the foods I don’t like, but it’s waaay to long!

      • Laurenn says:

        I’m a Picky Eater! My username is aoryona. I don’t like tomatoes and mushrooms. i hat sushi.

        • handsomeCATS says:

          Me too! I don’t like tomatoes, mushrooms… and I don’t like potatoes (like mashed potatoes). I like fries, however… lol. I never tried sushi!! I might not like it. I don’t love chinese food and other foreign food.

      • Lollipops says:

        I’m a picky eater!!!!! My username is calliebuglet, and I hate Seafood\Chinese food like you. Also, sense the WKN Site Admins won’t let us view comments on other pages other then the first, I recommend having the TPEC in different locations. I used to have a club, but then the website got all bleh.

        PS. If you know the recipes for: Alpine Hat, Emerald Ski Jacket, Feather Light Shoes, Highland Jacket and Top, Rad Rainbow Overalls, Seaside Sarong, Sparkly Silver Suit Jacket, Speedster Cap, Superstar Shirt, Tabby’s Glasses, or Wild Watermelon Shirt, PLEASE let me know ASAP. (As soon as possible)

        • Elizabeth says:

          Actually, if you look at the very top of the page you can type in something to search. To go here you would type “sweet sush” and get to this page! But, other comments are taking over the page! Maybe next time some food thing comes up I’ll try to get the first comment so you don’t have to scroll down as much to get to the club.

      • horsesarenice13 says:

        I’m a picky eater, i don’t like boiled eggs, cream cheese, seafood other than fish, and sweet pickels.

        • horses says:

          i also don’t like: tomato sauce, pork (or any kind of pig meat), raw sushi, refried beans, olive oil, banana’s with spots on them, cantaloop and honeydew melon. If i think of more i’ll say it.

      • Nicole says:

        I’m a picky eater! I don’t like:
        Chicken cutlets
        Chinese food

      • Nicole says:

        Can I be secretary of the club? .

      • Club Meeting Alert! says:

        Hello, there is going to be a meeting in the clubhouse at 8:15 eastern time. It will be in the Pink zone in Garden room 10. It’s for Club members who don’t enjoy seafood. [not kinzchat plus]

      • pompom says:

        hate meat
        some fruits

        pizza fridays! yea!

        i love smoothies! i like smoothies better then ice cream cookies cake smoothies are the planets best food!

      • Elizabeth says:

        The club meeting was a success! Though little time of warning, loyal TPFC member, horsesarenice113, showed up with an adorable black horse name Licorise!

        Sorry about not being able to say bye, horsesarenice113, kinzchat wouldn’t let me go down to say bye so I just waved.

      • anonymous says:

        I`m a picky eater I don`t like a lot of meat and i also hate milk and most dairly prodects.

      • spookymh says:

        i’m very pickey! can i join elizabeth? and when is the meeting? if its kinzchat plus i can’t(user, ribu) please reply!

        • Elizabeth says:

          Of course you can join, spookmh!

          Some meetings are in regular kinzchat, some in kinzchat plus. Each meeting has a different zone. Not everyone can make it to every meeting.

          • Emraled100 says:

            I am a picky eater! I dislike meat, seafood, spinach and spicy things.

          • Emraled100 says:

            Oh,and can I be in a place of power? Please?

          • Elizabeth says:

            What place of power do you want to be, Emraled100?

          • love6 and my user name is scalyback says:

            I AM I GIRL SO YOU NO is scalyback FOR MY FIRST WEDKINZ. AND Elizabeth you are good with clubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • Serene says:

            President Elizabeth, can you please post when the next meeting will be today? Because i am a member of TPEC and i want to attend a meeting in kinzchat plus. Please post soon, because i saw the post for the first meeting today when it was yesterday. PS, Can we move this club talk to a new page starting, like, tomorrow please? Because people are going to have some trouble finding the meeting times and stuff. Thanks a bunch President Elizabeth! :)

          • Emraled100 says:

            You can choose for me! But I would like to be the meeting planner.

        • scalyback says:

          JOIN ELIZABETH’S CLUB IT’S FREE GO TO THE FOOD THING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLACE!!!!!!!!!!

      • love6 and my user name is scalyback says:

        JOIN Eliabeth’s club!!!!!!!

        • webkinz user says:

          Hello, Serene! Sorry that hardly anyone got to see the meeting post yesterday! Sometimes there will be meetings in Kinzchat Plus, sometimes in regular Kinzchat.

          There is a meeting tonight at 6:00pm! It is in the Pink zone in the Girls rule room. [kinzchat plus]

          There is also a meeting tonight at 6:00pm! I can’t make it to that one so Jessica should lead for me. It is in the Collecter room on the Yellow zone. [kinzchat]

          • Elizabeth says:

            When I posted the meetings above^, I ment to say that those meetings are in mountain time.

          • Elizabeth says:

            Oops! I meant to say that the Yellow zone meeting is in room 11.

          • Elizabeth says:

            UPDATE: The meeting in kinzchat plus in the Girls Rule room is in the Yellow zone and in room 6. You can catch me with a Cheeky Monkey named Cocoa until 6:30pm in mountain time.

          • Anonymous says:

            elisabeth can i be secretary 2 please no one ever lets me be anything important please!!!!!!

          • Serene says:

            Thanks, now please post when March 22nds meeting will be. And please make it after school. Thanks! Serene :mrgreen:

      • 37chinchilla38 says:

        Just a suggestion for your club-
        you should meet in the park, not the clubhouse, there will be more room, i see you have lots of members!

      • BumbleJewel says:

        To TPEC

        1. I am a Picky eater!!!!! 2.I don’t like: Peppers, Mushrooms, Seafood (including sushi), Nuts (most of them, some i like), Lettuce or other leafy foods, Carrots (unless they are cooked), Hotdogs (only I like the vegitarian hotdogs), and a lot more, I can;t think of right now. … :) yes, I think I am a Picky eater ;)
        3.My Username is: BumbleJewel 4.Okey dokey :)

    • Ceridwen says:

      Does anyone have a fairy falls tiara or a woodland wonders tiara? I have lots of good idems I’d trade for them including a rare rose dress, retired PSI, a super bed (for both), a Wand Sparkle Tree, and lots, lots more!!!

      • I WILL NOT SAY MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:


      • love6 and my user name is scalyback says:

        I am not kinz plus and my family so over i never been to a meeting but i will try i am busy ELIZABETH CAN i on mon. say the time.

    • kat says:

      I know!!! it’s Awesome but it’s for e store only!!( i don’t have any of dose) :(

    • sushi says:

      so cool ganz i love sushi is it the shrimp

    • GIRLS RULE says:


      • I WILL NOT SAY MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        STOP IT GIRLS RULE WE NO THAT YOU WANT THEM !KIDS LIKE THEM TO PLZ DO NOT SAY PLUMPY GLASSES FOR 1 DAY PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Picky Eater Meeting Alert! says:

      Hello Everyone in TPEC! There is a meeting tonight in regular kinzchat for SEAFOOD UNLIKERS, in the Pink Zone in Garden room 3. It starts at 6:00 and ends at 6:00pm. [in mountain time]

      I’ll be on a Cheeky Monkey named Cocoa.

    • lola says:

      i wish i could get it but i cant cause i dont have any ganz money

    • Adcool2 says:

      I know a sushi plant is GROSS

    • pig lover101 says:

      love sushi

    • Elizabeth says:

      Hello! I’m having a really busy school week so I was wondering if Nicole would mind leading, if Nicole can’t tay, if tay can’t Anonymous. And could Emraled100 please be the meeting planner? And could Jessica lead the meetings?

      And Nicole, could you please move TPEC to a different thread?

      • Anonymous says:

        Will do! May I move it to Gotta Love Leo! on the homepage?
        NOTICE: For a bit, the time zone a meeting place will change(Sorry Emerald100 if I’m kind of taking your job). It will be in the PARK in EASTERN TIME ZONE. Emerald100, please tell me if this new plan is good for you. Also, could you make meetings on weekends at like, 10:00? I’m usually online then.

        PS: I’m icarlygirl244

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