Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. cvasko says:

    I really like these games,but could you have more of them or better prizes?

  2. kazz26 says:

    I really like balloon darts. The first two I just hurry through. I like prizes better than kinz cash and especially wish tokens.

  3. Duckcall says:

    I enjoy the extra games and knowing I will add at least 100 kinzcash to my total. In the launch I am always trying to time my stops. but I haven’t found any pattern tot=the game.

  4. monsterhighrules323 says:

    I like playing it! I play it every single time I log out. I love how sometimes I get a wish token but food is always good and cash for sure! I hope you don’t discontinue this part

  5. kittzkatt says:

    I agree with most of the comments here. Really love the carnival, but often skip it because I’ve got most (all?) of the prizes. Great feature, just needs a restock.

  6. TabbyStar95 says:

    Love playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival! What’s your favorite part? Launching the bell! I have done that 11 times! :) But all are fun!

  7. Mummabean says:

    I play it everyday but would like some different prizes – would love to win some different seeds other than the ones from W shop – zucchini? Cantaloupe? cucumber? mushrooms? radish? romaine?

  8. netge says:

    I always play the log out carnival, but it is awkward if I have to answer the phone or the door whilst playing, as it holds up my log off. Sometimes I log out straight after logging in to avoid that problem and then log in again. What I have never understood is how anyone won the Wacky Hot Air Balloons on the carnival, which is where I was told they came from. Having done it virtually every day since it was introduced I can’t see how I always missed getting one. Please keep it, I like to win the occasional wish token.

    • kaye10 says:

      oh i hope i can help you before they take this away–i figured it out after just a try or two but was so long ago, hope i can remember: look for the number on the clock and use that as a clue…if this does not help, let me try to win again & i will update this (or others will, i am sure)…once i won it the first time i just go through the motions to get out now. well GOOD LUCK & hope you get your balloon (also, trading room if not!!). best, k.

    • Twistersmom says:

      netge I have 10 of the Wacky Hot Air Balloons and the there is a set time one each clocks I gave some clue near the end of this thread.

  9. choover143 says:

    Yes I like to play. I love the extra KC. I always play the first one and sometimes the last one. I don’t like the pinata – it wouldn’t be bad if I could hit faster, it just takes a long time. I like the dartz, I wish there was a prize in every balloon I hit. I probably would not play them on the Today’s Activities page.

  10. madisonmabel says:

    I always play Wacky’s log out carnival. It’s a good way to get extra Kinzcash. However, I’d like to see different prizes, I don’t need 58 Wacky hot air balloons.

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