Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. megamom12 says:

    LOVE the log out carnival!

  2. coral says:

    I like the log out carnival. the prizes are good,some new ones would be nice. the balloon pop is good practice for some of the other thing on the site.and the wish tokes are always welcome.

  3. forestsprite says:

    I don’t play them anymore since when I want to leave I just want to go. Maybe I’d play them if they were daily activities and had some harder to get prizes that take a while to get. The games themselves are a bit too slow, but my favorite is balloon darts. I don’t really like the strength one since it just gives you a random prize.

  4. KSC says:

    I enjoy the Logout Carnival very much!!! All three games are a lot of fun. I very much appreciate the opportunity to get more kinzcash and food. Maybe some new prizes could be added?

  5. SUNNYJAM says:

    I think we should have the option to play or not. Sometimes I to play, others not.

  6. carn980 says:

    i enjoy the wish tokens that we could win , although webkinz tokens , some of the prizes are too hard to get because you either have to save all of them up for something that only one of your pets wants my least favortie part is the hit the hammer part i have never won much money on that so id get rid of that part ..or increase the amount of money won thanks

  7. doodlebug72898 says:

    I like playing, favorite part is the wacky pinata, least favorite part is the strength hitter thing, it might make it more interesting if the prizes were updated, I would play them from both the logout and would love them to be added to daily activities, I like the log out carnival and would not want it removed.

  8. harmoniieandmelodie says:

    in real balloon darts if you hit a balloon there is always a prize even if it is small…. just not in WW version :/ Prizes could be updated and BETTER instead of some of the junk we have been getting, game play better explained (the ring the bell game seems more chance than skill or timing – for example) I like that 2 of the games are unique, but they freeze up and you can’t “come back” to finish when they freeze or crash, you just “lose”

    • Twistersmom says:

      harmoniieandmelodie the ring the bell is not a game of chance there is a set time for each clock within a couple of minutes. And when you ring the bell you get a Wacky Hot Air Balloon. I have 10 of them on one account alone.

  9. machaela says:

    I like the carnival but maybe it would be more fun if it did not run all the time. Maybe one week per month? It is very helpful for getting wish tokens though!

  10. jsforfr says:

    I don’t do it every day, since there are usually too many events and things going on in Webkinz World for me to keep up with everything. I do like knowing it’s there though, for when I do have time. It’s a nice way to try and win a few extra tokens, or the little prizes from the balloon part. It is also good for getting free food for feeding pets and a little extra kinzcash…. of course with the cost of everything in Webkinz World these days, you need more than just a little kinzcash to buy anything.

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