Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. Racoon6000 says:

    I have played it so many times that it’s kind of annoying. It takes extra time, and I’d rather just have a kinzcash bonus for logging out.

  2. Nibbles123451209 says:

    In my opinion I used to play the log out carnival but now I just kind of X out the page. I’m also really good at the balloon one in the carnival but I think they should add them to the daily activities because sometimes when you get a Wish Token from the carnival you don’t really want to log back in just to put it in the machine. That’s my opinion but I the they should move it to the daily activities and add some more prizes.

  3. Leopardcat101 says:

    MY favorite part is th Wacky darts because you can get some cool stuff like Wish Tokens. But my least favorite part is also the Wacky darts because most of the time you don’t get anything except the rare kinzcash and occasional food. I like the carnival, but wish there were more prizes.

  4. bluenightkitty says:

    I like the log out carnival! Though it would be neat if you could add more prizes like exclusive clothes and room decorations!

  5. Katz1259 says:

    I have been a member since Webkinz began and I stopped playing the carnival a long time ago. In fact I totally forgot it was there. I went and took a look and it reminded me why I stopped playing. I just wasn’t lucky! And sometimes when I am logging out I have to go, I don’t have time to play more games. So of your options I guess I would say I would like to be able to play these games from the Today’s Activities page. I love how that page has been updated and if you add these activities, it will make it even better! I wouldn’t like to see them taken away all together. Another option would be to upgrade and update the prizes to AWESOME prizes and have this carnival as part of the Wacky Weekends that you now hold several weekends a year (once a month?) Another quick question is about the Dunk the Zingoz. Over the past 13 years I have hit the bullseye MANY times but I have never won more than 30 KC. I heard Michael mention in a podcast once that there was actually a trophy to be won. Not that I am calling you a liar Michael, but is that true? or did I hear wrong? I have never heard of anyone winning a trophy in that game. And that might be a game to update a bit. I mean the only prize I have ever won is 30 KC and that is whether I hit the bullseye or not.

  6. kittyhub54 says:

    Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival? Not anymore
    What’s your favorite part? Prizes
    What’s your least favorite part? Actually Playing
    What would make it more interesting for you? New Prizes
    Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead? Yes
    Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely? Yes

  7. hpquinlan says:

    I like the carnival, especially prizes (not just cash). I do however, wish that the carnival could be skipped and played another time. Sometimes, I have to leave right away and don’t have the time to play. Then, I miss the day’s opportunity. : )

  8. Nate4555 says:

    I love the log out carnival games! I just recently found out that there is a special way to try and hit the bell. Still trying! I also miss the music that played with the carnival. Just as others have said, I don’t like popping a balloon and no prize, and of course always pleased to find a wish token.

  9. 975689 says:

    I really like the games, but sometimes I just want to log out. Having the games in Today’s Activities would be great.

  10. 23fairy23 says:

    Getting wish tokens is great. I agree with other commenters who have suggested a larger selection of games with 3 random ones per day. Some new small prizes would be great too.

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