Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. KTLOVE99 says:

    Its my favortie game when I log out, I think you should keep all three games just add more prizes to the balloons

  2. whitemilk says:

    Little more consistency in the games would be nice. Breaking the pinata can yield 100 or 10. Also too many empty balloons in the dart game. Each balloon should have something in it! Launching wacky I’ve given up trying to get top row, have yet to make it all the way up!

  3. moviehound55 says:

    I don’t mind it, but it takes too long. Maybe one instead of three? Also, the games use to give great gifts or dollar amounts and then it started being a lot less. I just think if you want people to complete it, there needs to be some payoff.

  4. easy2 says:

    I absolutely love the logout carnival! Webkinz World is very generous with the prizes, especially the Kinzcash! The best feeling though is when you pop a balloon and get a wish token!! However, I will say that it’s a bit annoying when you have to log out in a hurry but you still have to go through the games. I know I could just exit the logout carnival but a part of me doesn’t want to miss out on the prizes I could have won!! I think a great solution would be to put the Logout carnival as part of Today’s Activities :)

  5. SpringBreeze says:

    Maybe different kinds of logout carnivals so there’s variety? Like they have different kinds of prizes and color schemes as well? And when you log out it picks one of them randomly. It would also be great to have an option of skipping the logout carnival if you’re in a hurry!

  6. Cloudsheeeep says:

    I won a wacky balloon this week in Logout following the clock hand positions suggestions in this thread. It’s still out there! I don’t always play Logout Carnival. For me the wish tokens are the main reason to go there. I do like the food though. I have lots of Kinzcash and don’t have anywhere to use the bulk of it, so don’t play Carnival for cash. The prizes tend to be the same over and over again. Yes, getting three empty balloons is not fun. I don’t think Logout Carnival games should be put in daily activities. Pinata I usually play yellow, green, then red. Lots of times the pinata breaks, but prize is usually Kinzcash I think.

  7. jeaninelind says:

    Wacky Logout Carnival should be in the Daily Activities area. That would make it available to everyone who wants to participate and also streamline a player’s exit from Webkinz World if they’re in hurry. What’s not to like?

  8. FreeBird says:

    Always nice to get the extra cash or prizes. Maybe a new game or different prizes.

  9. locococoapuff says:

    I always enjoy getting the extra kinzcash.

  10. LegoFan27 says:

    The Log Out Carnival is still fun.
    Launching Wacky is my favorite, but it would be nice to have different prizes. Maybe alternate between the hot air balloon and some other prizes randomly, or let the player choose from a selection of prizes (similar to choosing a gift from SantaKinz or trading keys in Woodland Wonders for an item).
    I enjoy the Darts, but this could also use some new prizes, and less food.
    The Pinata is my least favorite of the three.

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