Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. griffoned says:

    I love the carnival. It’s a great way to make money over time. It sometimes goes unused if someone doesn’t have a lot of time, but it offers great prizes. Don’t get rid of it. But thank you for asking BEFORE getting rid off something for once.

  2. kkofoed says:

    I really like the logout carnival! I think it would be cool to change out the prizes for the balloon darts. My least favorite thing is probably that there are empty balloons on the balloon darts. Also, the pinata game takes a little long, so I wouldn’t mind cutting that out and just having the first and last game :D

  3. 594nat says:

    1. Mostly. 2. I like the balloon darts. 3. I wish there were more chances of winning prizes other than food and kinzcash. Also, the pinata game animation takes too long even on very fast computers. 4. Different prizes would make it more interesting. 5. Either way is fine. 6. I think there should be an option to skip it.

  4. 1Emerald1 says:

    Oh no, don’t cancel the logout carnival! (If that’s what you’re thinking). I like all the games. The chance to earn extra Kinzcash from the carnival every day really helped me to finally build up a cash reserve, whether I was doing well on the regular games in the Arcade or not. The chance to get Wish Tokens is probably my favorite part, and I’ve had a lot of good luck with that. Winning a food prize is, as always, my least favorite part, along with empty balloons in the darts game. If I don’t have time or inclination to do it, I just skip it, no big deal & great just the way it is right now.

  5. Randomgirlforever says:

    I like the games! I also love that you guys haven’t changed it like you kind of changed everything else. But I would love to see different prizes. (The design looks good, so I don’t think that should change.) Thank you for asking our input.

  6. funlion45 says:

    The carnival is fun, but it would be good to change the prizes-especially for the launch Wacky. I like having the games to do after logout.

  7. ilovemoonie says:

    Honestly, I never actually click the log out button and instead just click out of the page…oops. :P I always used to lot out, though, so I remember doing the carnival a bunch, and thus I shall answer the questions XD 1. Yes, I do like it, but always forget to log out. 2. Uh…probably the balloons; I love it when I find wish tokens in them! ;) 3. Whenever I don’t break open the pinata thing. 4. I don’t know…maybe some different prizes? I remember there was a lot of food on it, and it’d be cool if there was less food and more other prizes. 5. Yeah, that’d be pretty cool! At least I’d remember to play them that way. 6. No, not really. Like I said, though, I always forget to log out. But now that I’ve been reminded of the log out carnival, I’ll have to play it again! Anyway, hopefully this is helpful! It’s cool that Ganz is wanting our feedback on different things. :)

  8. perfect29 says:

    I like to play Wacky’s Log Out Carnival a lot, My favorite part is the pinata, it’s the easiest, my least favorite part is the lag, it makes it so hard to get prizes on the balloon darts. I think you should add cool, new, prizes that are exclusive to the carnival, or you could add new pet buddies you can get from the carnival, also I think it would be awesome to have a community code challenge for the carnival, and maybe some new games. I love the games, but I don’t want them on today’s activities because then there wouldn’t really be anything special for the carnival. Honestly, I think that there should be an option to skip the carnival, because on weekdays when I come home from school I usually try and play video games as fast as possible, usually I do my homework while watching tv (It actually helps me a lot, but my grandma always tells me to turn it off and it gets really distracting), so usually to save time (I have 2 webkinz world main accounts, one is mine and one is my sisters but hers became a main account for me over time, mine is maew2013, i spelled meow wrong, and my other one is perfect29) anyway I usually just exit out but I try to do the carnival on at least one account.

    • perfect29 says:

      I actually have 2 computers, so technically I could play on both accounts at once, the only reason I don’t is because on my laptop it is a little slow, and on my iMac (it’s a super old version, but i just recently figured out how to get flash player) it’s even slower and glitches out.

  9. naiastra says:

    My favorite part is that you can win wish tokens from the balloons. My least favorite is the first game, because I have tried everything with those spinner things and I can’t ever get the big prize. A lot of times I just logout and skip the carnival, though, because all three games take so long. The confetti animation takes FOREVER, especially on a slow computer.

  10. MidnightLuna says:

    1. Yes. 2. I love the prizes! 3. The empty balloons on the balloon game 4. More/different prizes 5. I wouldn’t mind ether way 6. No, simply for when I remember to do the carnival, I can do it. (I don’t always remember!)

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