Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. crokasmom says:

    I like the carnival at the end, especially the balloon pop. But I agree switching up the prizes more frequently would be nice. The other 2 games I could stand to not have anymore. I like the suggestions to have a ‘log out now’ or ‘log out with games’ feature. But offering the games as a ‘today’s activities’ feature is also a cool idea. That way you could still play them.

  2. 90skidzrule says:

    I do love playing the carnival, but if I had to change a few things one would be when players log out, instead of the launch wacky screen popping up a new screen would pop up with the option to play the carnival or log out right away. I play Webkinz in the morning before I go to work and sometimes I don’t always have time to play and I remember when I first joined the game it was written somewhere (maybe in the Webkinz Guide) that if you just closed the game screen window the site may not have realized you left and your pets may have lower meters the next time you log in which is why I don’t just close the window. The second thing I would change is maybe updating the prize on the launch wacky game every month or two because it’s been the same for a long time, other than that, I love the game!

  3. TroyInches says:

    Q.1: YES!! Q.2: Don’t know what its called but “The scrolling balloons at the end” Q.3: I cant choose, I don’t dislike any of them. Q.4: New prizes. Q.5: No, but also would be nice. Q.6: NO! leave the carnival in the log out. but you could add a ‘Skip’ button to it for those who don’t want to play. | Q.#: = Answer to Question #

  4. monti27 says:

    Can you still get the balloon in the strength one.. it would be nice but don’t seem to get it when it looks as though I hit the top.

  5. LalasCrafts4ACure says:

    I like the carnival, but it needs an update. New prizes, bug fixes. Half of the time I log out the Pinata game doesn’t work. I hit as hard as I can 3 times and it doesn’t make a dent. The next day I hit it once and it breaks open. I haven’t played it for a while. I just click the X on my browsers. When I have to get off the computer, I need to get off that second…don’t have time to play the log out carnival.

  6. Sugarcookie9 says:

    If you want some more feedback – Can full members who buy more than 3 pets a year please have some special privilages? Like a gold paw which means we have our own special activities? People who help Webkinz should get a reward – maybe don’t you think? Please? Also Please give us a full member version of the fairy forest we can play. I love searching for stars but I just wish we had more activities. As far as Doug the Dog is concerned – why not have us pay him 10,000 Kinzcash to help him open up his own shop. Gem’s N’ Stuff! He could have tons of old items from Webkinz past for sale – discontinued outfits, items, old quest items, etc – for Kinzcash. It would be a great way to sink some of the extra kinzcash in the system.

  7. kivabear says:

    I like the hit the bell in the carnival, but are the dials really doing anything? It seems to me that’s it’s entirely based on random chance, which makes it confusing and occaisionally frustrating as a player.

    • Sugarcookie9 says:

      Actually there is a method to it. It changes I think weekly but I will give you a hint kivabear – try using just the bottom most dial on the right. It helps the most if you want to get Wacky to go how you want. ;)

      • sparklgirl421 says:

        Here is a method that works well; not every time, but often: Think of the dials as clocks, then set the clover leaf dial to close to 7, the sun to close to but not exactly noon, the tree just past 6, and the star around midnight, so the same as the sun actually.

  8. Sugarcookie9 says:

    Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival? YES!
    What’s your favorite part? I like popping the pinata and balloons.
    What’s your least favorite part? Hitting the bell and getting a wacky balloon. Just cash is better with the bell.
    What would make it more interesting for you? Adding a few new prizes and greater chance of smaller prices if you don’t win a large one. Its not fun to pop three balloons and get nothing. I would also like rare chance for free plays in wheel of wow, fairy forest, star search and zuum land, etc in the log out.
    Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead? No. Though I would like new games for full and deluxe to play. Like Wacky Pinata Paintball and Wacky Balloon Poppa-rama. Maybe the Poppa-rama can be like Poppit Party where we can earn special power costumes for Wacky when we find treasure chests. The powers earned let us get higher scores and greater chance for prizes.
    Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely? NO!!! I love the Carnival! Please keep it!!!!

  9. SnoopysGirl says:

    I like it! The balloon darts don’t work very well though – only the first break and the last give a reward. It always seems as though the second dart does nothing. I’m always looking for food lately, since my pets are so, so hungry!

  10. griffoned says:

    My suggestions for the carnival: change up the prizes front one to time, and improve the rates. Also, make it more obvious what we’re going to get, ND what the odds are of getting it. And tell us what those timer things actually mean for the test-your-strength thing for the hot air balloon, because I have no idea what the optimal positions are.

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