Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

We’d like to hear your opinions about a feature on Webkinz World that’s been around for quite some time — Wacky’s Log Out Carnival!




When you use the Logout button in Webkinz World, you can play in Wacky’s Log Out Carnival once a day… and we want to know how you feel about it! Here are some questions to get you thinking — please leave your feedback in the comments below.


  • Do you like playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival?
  • What’s your favorite part?
  • What’s your least favorite part?
  • What would make it more interesting for you?
  • Do you like the games, but wish you could play them from the Today’s Activities page instead?
  • Would you rather just log out and skip the Carnival entirely?


Thank you for your feedback!

319 Responses to Tell Us What YOU Think: Wacky’s Logout Carnival

  1. Cosmosia says:

    If I’m being honest, I always skip the first two because I don’t find them worthwhile. I only play the last one for the slim chance that I might find a wish token. New prizes would definitely help, and I also wouldn’t mind if you replaced the first two games with some other activities.

  2. bluecottoncandy says:

    I love playing Wacky’s Log Out Carnival. It’s a great way to earn extra kinzcash and prizes. My favourite part would be popping the balloons. It’s really the only way I can get wish tokens since I’m not a deluxe member. Another favourite about the carnival is that you can not play a game and then come back to play it later. It’s really helpful when I have to exist Webkinz World due to a glitch or because I’m rushing to go somewhere. It ensures that I don’t miss out on the carnival unless I choose to. My least favourite part would probably be the pinata. It only rewards you with one prize and it’s too inconsistent. I don’t really have big problems with the game but I think that giving an option to turn off the loud sound effects (especially with the balloon-popping game) would make it more enjoyable for me. I don’t mind if the game stays as a log out game or moves to the Activities page. I would definitely like to see the carnival stay.

  3. cheekylean123 says:

    i usually skip the carnival by clicking the X out because it takes too long, but i dont think it should be taken away because i know many people play it and you can easily avoid it if you wanted. i dont understand how to play the first game, and the pinata one takes a bit too long to make only three swings. with the darts, i think its the best game of the three, but the empty balloons and recipe prizes dont seem to be worth the time spent to play. i think it would be beneficial to add prizes that are exclusive to the carnival, and more games to choose from; maybe so that when you log out you can pick which three to play out of a larger selected amount? or they can rotate every week or month or so.

  4. Lemony2 says:

    Haven’t played in years so I am good either way..keep it add new prizes…get rid of it…add to today’s activities

  5. kitterztoo says:

    I would rather have the launch Wacky on the activity page without the lettering covering up 2 of the dials. I love the balloon darts, but sometimes getting nothing is a pain. I also wouldn’t mind keeping the wacky piñata game. Since the party boxes don’t work 90% of the time, perhaps add the bean bag toss instead? I would also like a carnival game similar to the rubber ducky or fishing game at carnivals. Pick one and get a prize no matter what one is chosen as long as the prizes rotate more often than balloon darts does.

  6. marnabear1 says:

    I usually skip the logout carnival because the chances of winning anything are not good and the prizes aren’t worth the time of even trying. I always just X out instead.

  7. Inkblot says:

    I usually only play the first game because the exit button isn’t clickable until after it is played, and also even though I have been playing the logout carnival nearly every day since it’s beginning, I STILL do not have the Wacky Hot Air Balloon, which is odd, because I know people who have won it multiple times. I don’t play the rest of the carnival because I have all the prizes. Perhaps if you added some rare prizes I would play it more. Also, if there was a clearer way to skip the carnival that would be great, because sometimes I just end up exiting the screen and then I feel like I didn’t logout at all.

  8. wilddfire says:

    I like the carnival, I think it’s fun. and it’s always nice to get a little extra kinz cash. I also like the food although I wish you’d give out different food sometimes. No i wouldn’t like this added to the activities page,I think it’s cool right where it’s at.

  9. beerfeet says:

    I like it for trying to win more wish tokens. I don’t do well at the ring the bell challenge. I am never quite sure what I am trying to do…get the same time on all the clocks?? No real instructions. The other two games are easy to figure out. I agree with moonkey1115, some new prizes would be nice. I won the Wacky air balloon and would like some new creative & non Wacky prizes!

  10. zoeyzoey2013 says:

    i like playing the carnival on log out, but id also like to see it in the arcade or daily news : )

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