Texting Puppy

OMG! It’s the Texting Puppy! You’ll be ROFL when you add this funny friend to your Webkinz family of pets! Even though they don’t have thumbs, you can keep their paws primed as they receive messages on their Cell Phone Sofa! And they’ll always BRB when you serve up some LOL Biscuits for them to munch on!

446 Responses to Texting Puppy

  1. Flip Flop Fanatic says:

    OMG! THis is just for my personality! I text till my thumbs hurt. I cant wait to get he txting puppy! lol! YAY!

  2. rachel says:

    wow they’re smart! they combined are 2 fav. things, texting and puppys! :DDD <3

  3. roseypoddle says:

    OMG!!!!! I LOLed of joy when i saw him!!! I’ll name her Adele!!! No reason, I just luv the name! THE ITEMS R ALSO CUTE!!!!! ROFL!!! Texting is my life!

  4. Justice says:

    lllllllove it!:D

  5. Cellie says:

    O MY GOSH!!!!! I WANT THAT PUPPIE!!!!! SOO CUTE!!!!! Totaly getting it!!!!! XD X))LOL!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ashby says:

    I just got it today soooooooooooooo cute thank you for who made it . every time i look at it i have somthing to read… hahaha also i dont think its to dizzy or crazy i think that it was a great idea .

  7. Happy Panda says:

    I have one already!!!!!

  8. lyssa says:


  9. kaaty says:

    that thing is sooooo cute!

  10. mypetabby1 says:


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