The Candy Cane Cat has Arrived!


Sweet! The newest virtual-only pet has arrived in Webkinz Next! The Candy Cane Cat will be available for a limited time only – from December 18 to 31 – so if you’d like to adopt this deliciously adorable pet, be sure to visit the Next Adoption Center!




The Candy Cane Cat is a peppermint-striped version of the Orange Tabby and it’s got a peppermint striped PSI to match! Check out its exclusive PSI, the Yule Cat Swing! And just like its Orange Tabby cousin, this pet loves to munch on its PSF, Feast a l’Orange!


All Webkinz Next pets come with three Sparks for sparking adorable babies! Baby cats sparked using a Candy Cane Cat will be Orange Tabby Cats and will receive the Orange Tabby giftbox when they grow up. Candy Cane traits are not passed down.
This sweet new pet will make a festive addition to your Next family! Have you adopted a Candy Cane Cat yet?


Candy Cane Cat

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21 Responses to The Candy Cane Cat has Arrived!

  1. maya517 says:

    Well I just saw the traits passed down by checking out the showcase. Been busy the last couple of weeks I guess. Adorable. Will definitely make sure to grab the peppermint cat next season. I was able to get the gingerbread puppy this season. Guess I should have checked it out yesterday before the end of the year. Happy New Years All!!

  2. davids1lilpixie says:

    Shame you’re not offering this kitty in Classic. I’d be there with bells on to buy one.

    • alaynaj1212 says:

      Classic has a countless similar pets…Peppermint Puppy, four different gingerbread pets, not to mention the newly released Green Snowy Kitten. You gotta let Next have something.

  3. 100dogs says:

    Okay i am kinda confused now can the cat pass down traits? I have seen pets get the eyes and the pet patch but what are all the traits that can be passe down are you able to get the candy cane pattern on the cat if you are really lucky?

  4. seamojo says:

    This is the issue we all had on the Ms Birdy situation. Would you please give us all the gifts we could not receive due to a problem you had. This would be appreciated by all your members. Thanks you

  5. puppyluv9063 says:

    I’ve seen cat babies getting the peppermint color! That is awesome! I really hope I obtain this color for the baby cat. I was very much hoping there would be obtainable traits added for this cat.

  6. strawberrycream12 says:

    Also, the stats need to be upgraded. Everyone “says” that uncommon gives “better” traits. I have seen common pets give WAY better colors than “uncommon”. If you look this “uncommon” cat is giving literally all orange (and a few yellow) babies except for the one candy cane colored baby. I feel like the stats need to be altered a little to stop giving the base color every freaking time an uncommon, rare, or ultra rare baby is sparked. They should have a way higher chance of getting a DIFFERENT color. Even if it is one of the alternate “common” colors. Just a thought.

    • sally says:

      That’s not how it works. Having a rare or super rare baby isn’t a guarantee that you’ll have a rare or super rare body color. The final rarity is determined by all of the traits together.

      • strawberrycream12 says:

        Okay. Well, the base color is given very frequently. I still think it would be nice if the base color had a way lower frequency, so you had a higher chance of getting other common colors. Such as the yellow and white for the tabby cat, for example.

        • puppyluv9063 says:

          I wish the base color wasn’t given as often as it is. I have so many based color frogs trying to get literally any other color. I sparked one of my favorite cats, and got a base colored raccoon that is ultra rare because of its ears and a flair. It gets annoying for sure.

    • wk2nd says:

      I agree 100% with the color thing that at least you should have a definite higher percentage of getting callers so you don’t keep getting the same repeat

  7. strawberrycream12 says:

    I’m genuinely confused. “Candy Cane traits are not passed down.” I LITERALLY just saw a kitten with the candy cane color AND a pig with a holly pet patch. So it is passed down? randomly? Also, if this is a glitch? Shouldn’t you SAY that in the ADOPTION CENTER so that people aren’t fooled thinking they will get neat traits? There is a lot of mixed messages for players here. Also, there is a glitch with the candy cane cat in the adoption center, it doesn’t show her PSI.

    • sally says:

      Yup! Looks like some of the traits are passing on. The Candy Cane Cat has 3 traits — the body color, the eyes, and the pet patch. All of candy cane coloring, etc is part of the body, so that’s a lot rarer to inherit. Pets other than the Orange Tabby can’t inherit that body coloring. Any cat babies with the body coloring is still considered an Orange Tabby and gets the Orange Tabby gift box

      • strawberrycream12 says:

        Well then, they are being passed down then. That is great! That means the eyes and pet patch can be inherited by any of the pets then. The gift box is just like the rare pets. The rainbow retriever’s sparked retrievers get normal colors pools.

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