The Fantastic Snowman’s Spring Break is Almost Here

Be sure to participate in the final Fantastic Snowman games this season!

Winter is almost over, which means our favorite Snowman is about to hang up his top hat for another season.

Make sure you get in as many rounds of Fantastic Snowman as possible before our upcoming release. After the release Fantastic Snowman will be temporarily removed from Kinzville.

Keep playing and you might even win this year’s final trophy!

Good luck!

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5 Responses to The Fantastic Snowman’s Spring Break is Almost Here

  1. holomermaid says:

    Agreed with Alleycat. December there was no snowman nor flower and it was very boring. As much as I love snowman, I wish snowman was more well calibrated and had a more succinct noise when you were hitting the target, the way flower dings is very clear. I think the overall trophy system could be revised, perhaps a trophy every week or every two weeks, as the current system does not encourage players to return to the game. And lastly, please!! Reduce the minimum requirement of players! It gets very long waiting for enough players to show up. Thank you. Snowman and Flower are my absolute favourite games of Next and I want nothing but for more players to love it as much as I do.

  2. vacant2007 says:

    this is one of my favorite events :) will miss him!

  3. Alleycats2012 says:

    Can we get the snowman earlier next year? He didn’t show up this year until half way through January, that’s only like 2 months (jan-feb and feb-march). Realistically, the winter months should start in November and go to march. Just something to please consider for next year.

  4. iamawebkinzmom3 says:

    Wow….I am so sad….I love Fantastic Snowman. It is one of my favorite activities on Next. I will miss you Snowman!

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